Last time...

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Wind swirled around them, then, it came. The darkness. It went straight for Regina, creating a vortex around her, feeding off the light magic that resided just tingling beneath her skin. Robin reached for his soulmate, but he was only thrown back by the darkness.
"Regina!" Yelled Robin over the loud sound of the wind. Regina just looked at him, her face contorted in agony. She felt as if she was being choked, the feeling of darkness invading her whole body felt like fire in her veins, the power that was once Rumpelstiltskin's now ripping, eating, killing her light magic.
'If it had to be someone, it had to be me. It always is me' thought the brunette.
Emma yanked forward "Regina, no!" She yelled, reaching for Regina.
Said brunette backed away, "No!" Her face laced with pain. It hurt.
"You fought too hard for this!" Yelled the Savior. Mary Margaret and David held each other, Hook held Emma back, she was itching to save Regina. Robin, couldn't get near his lover, the force of the wing that the darkness created was strong enough to hold him back.
Emma suddenly remembered that she had the dagger, she took it from her pocket and pushed the ship captain away from her, and stood in front of the swirl of dark magic consuming Regina. "Emma! No!" Yelled Mary Margaret and David. She looked at them, her eyes red with unshed tears "You took the darkness from me once, you'll have to do it again" she said, Regina heard this and said "No! There has to be- another way" her voice was strained, she made a sign for Killian to grab Emma, the blonde fought and kicked but David helped him, Regina made a motion with her hand and the dagger came to her, she stretched her arm and looked at Robin, "I love you" she whispered, "No!" Yelled Robin, he knew what was going to happen, and he hated it.
All the magic surged toward the dagger, and latched itself to Regina's arm, she was shaking Robin and Emma were screaming, yelling, Mary Margaret was openly crying while David and Killian were concentrated on her actions, their mouths open. They too knew what was happening.

I know that this chapter is really short, but I was just experimenting. If any of you want I can continue it.
Bear in mind that English is not my first language. THANK YOU FOR READING!

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