Wreacking havoc

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Emma looked at the floor. Regina directed her gaze at her, and shared a look with Mary Margaret that said everything. Mary Margaret directed herself to the boy entwined in his mother's arms, "Henry, I'm going to cook something for all of us, can you help me?" Asked Mary Margaret with a fake smile and a sweet tone of voice. Henry looked at his mother "Go help her, Henry. I'll be here" said Regina, smiling to her son. He reluctantly nodded, hugged his mom tight, and followed his grandmother downstairs into the kitchen.

Regina looked at the blonde who had her gaze down, as if she were admiring the floor or something. "Emma? Are you alright?" Asked the brunette. "Me? Yeah! I mean, I'm cool!" Emma replied, nervously. Regina looked at her, seriously and said "I know that something is bothering you, dear".
Regina looked at Emma when the blonde didn't answer "Emma, is this you feeling guilty?" Regina grinned slightly, teasing her, but when she saw the savior's face, she smiled sadly. "Emma, what happened to me, is not your fault" she said.
"Regina, I am the savior! I am supposed to save people! If I couldn't even stop you from becoming the Dark One, who will I save!?" Regina stretched her arm to take Emma's hand and said "Look, you couldn't avoid me doing it, because I wanted to do it. You are the savior, and I now that it may be exhausting to have to save everyone and have people depending on you to do something, but Emma, you can't save everyone. Besides, I'm alright" Regina smiled. The corner of Emma's mouth lifted a little, but went down immediately after. The blonde sighed, "Regina, I'm sorry, I-" but Regina stopped listening 'Kill her' a voice said in her mind, it was her own, but not her's. It sounded different, almost like, when she was the Evil Queen. 'Come on, kill her, that blonde is stealing your happiness' said the voice. Regina shook her head trying to get those thoughts out of her head. Suddenly, she felt a tinge of pain running down her wrist, and when she looked, her veins were painted black, with magic.

I know I haven't posted in a while and that is all my fault, I'm sorry for all the spelling mistakes and such. I love y'all people!
This chapter goes to Catvitomia , haha, got the new chapter, so stop whining!
Have a nice day people!

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