Bedtime Chronicle

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I have always found comfort in slumber,
The peace of a blurry reality,
That I am not confined to,
Hence, why all my life I have chased the clarity of an inactive mind.

So it was inevitable that darkness became dear to my heart,
It had this romantic way of making the moon seem like perfect company

On a good night,
When the choir in my brain, wants to create sweet melodies
I think of you.

I'd think of us swaying
To the calm waves of the sea,
The flowers that bloom,
And you use to decorate my hair.
Reminding me that there's beauty,
When I'm in your presence.

How even when were not touching,
We feel intertwined.
But when we touch,
Your kiss would form universes
Inside my head,
Projecting us into the depth of space.

Where we would watch as constellations replay our nostalgic memories,
And you would look at me,
as if you've seen a star.
No longer an empty vessel of flame,
Waiting to be sent ablaze.

Sometimes I wonder,
if the twisted scenarios I make up,
Are a form of self harm.
Whether I don't know beauty if it's not connected to tragedy.

Which would come, when I awaken,
And realise that I am more loved by figments of my imagination,
Than I am by myself.
Or even you.

I would wake up and realise,
That boys are told to stay away from fire,
And flowers die when they are uprooted.

That when you look into my eyes,
You would not see the beauty of our oceans,
But horrific waves, unstable enough to drown in.
And you never seemed to like swimming.

But when the sun reaches its final hour,
And my heart and eyelids flutter.
I remind myself why I love slumber.
The night.

Oh how I love the way it sinks into me
And I can create light out of darkness
How there's comfort in the unseen
And I can return to things I never had
I can return to us.
To you.

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