mommy penguin styles

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Lou's P.O.V

·in the morning

I woke up and looked at my phone and I found I had 3 new messages:

penguin🐧- 'hey are you awake?'

styles- 'hey pretty lady'

mommy- 'how was the show sweetie?'

first I relpyed to my penguin saying 'well that was 2 hours ago so no sorry 🐧🐧🐧'

next I replyed to styles saying 'hey handsome harry'

lastly I replyed to my mommy saying 'great mom but when I walked to my seat in the crowd some girls reconised me and started screaming their heads off.

my phone suddenly buzzed it said 'a message from styles' I tapped on it to see what he had put. it said 'you think I'm handsome' so I replyed with 'not really it just rhymes with harry 😁❤'

'a message from styles' popped up on my phone again so I tapped on it and it said 'well your not even that pretty either I was just being a gentleman'

I text him back saying 'well your a good friend (read in a sarcastic voice). wanna meet up we have a free day today?'

styles-'alright I'll just tell the guys'

me-'and I'll tell the boys here'

I needed to tell them fast so I just shouted "we are meeting 1D in one hour so we need to get ready!"


hi hope you are enjoying the story because I'm enjoying writing it 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🐧❤😁

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