Cancelling the tour?

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•the next morning
After the conversation with Luke and Calum I eventually fell to sleep with Calum on my left and Luke on my right.
When I woke my head rested on Luke's chest and Calum's arms were wrapped around my waist. Calum said we needed to do something about this.
"Calum can you wake please" I said in my morning voice. All Calum did was mumble something and turned over, so I went to plan two.
"CALUM!!!! Wake up please" I whisper shouted in his ear while shaking him. YAY it worked.
"Why did you shout in my ear Lou?" Calum said in a groggily voice.
"Can you tell me what we are going to do about Taylor because he has tent me some more things" I said while I could feel hot tears about to run down my cheeks.
"WHAT HE HAS TEXT YOU SOME MORE MESSAGES!?!?!?!" Luke basically screamed In my ear so I started crying even more.
"Omg omg I'm so sorry my princess I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just so mad at him because you don't deserve this your a beautiful, smart and funny girl who is secretly my princess" Luke said hugging me so hard I should hardly breathe.
"That's it we need to go back to Australia to get him and make him pay" Calum said as he was getting dressed.
"No no no no, we can't because he said if I told anyone he would beat me and the people I love most" I said basically begging him not to.
"No I'm still calling the police" Calum said sternly which means he won.
"But he's in Sydney and we in London and if you do call the police how will we show them the evidence?" I said questioning Calum's plan.
"Urm......urm. Well we might have to cancel the tour until it's sorted out cos I'm not having my sister on tour with me for 10 months and her crying every night over some dumb boy who is making her cut. I'm not having it. NO, IM NOT HAVING IT." Calum said calm[A/N: CALM: Calum Ashton Luke Michael 😂😂😂] at first but got angrier and angrier by the second.
"Woah woah Calum calm down it'll be alright" luke said smoothly.
"Yeah it will because I'll move back to Sydney so you can focus on you work and not me" I said sobbing.
"No,no,no,no princess you can't move back you are the only person that keeps us from going completely sane and if you do he will hurt you so we need to be there to protect you from him" luke said in his soothing voice.
"Yeah Luke is right you can't leave he could seriously hurt you and all of us guys are at the other side of the world so we can't help you" Calum said as he sat next to me and him and Luke started hugging me which Made me cry even more.
Suddenly all the boys started running in and they piled on top on me, Luke and Calum which made me start giggling and all I could hear after that was the sound of high fives and laughing. After about 10 minutes of laughing and high fives I shouted "hey I'm still here and I can hardly breathe so can you all please get off of me please"
They all started jumping off one by one so it got lighter and lighter until I could see broad daylight.
They all saw me and covered their eyes because I was wearing my bra and some pants and shorts so I quickly went to Calum and he gave me his shirt and kissed my forehead which brightened my mood.
"So we over heard someone say cancelling the tour, so are we?" Ashton asked in a worried voice and everyone's eyes darted towards me. I slowly but surely shook me head then looked at Luke and Calum as they high five.
"So what are we going to do today" Michael said in the most annoying voice he could make.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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