A Nice Day As A Squad Part 1

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Mingi's View

I woke up and looked around confused today was Saturday no sort of surprise attacks in my house. I decided to grab my tablet and look at the map someone was approaching my house but I don't know if they were stopping at my house or not. I decided to pull my monitor a person stepped onto my porch and it was Seonghwa someone else walked onto the porch Hongjoong. "Mingles!" "Is even here Seonghwa" "He got dropped off at home" "How do we know he hasn't left to enjoy Saturday" "Oh you're right Hongjoong yo Mingles if you need the crew and Louie we're hanging out at Hyunjin's cafe" "Does he know where that is located" "Hyunjin's cafe appears onto the maps?" Seonghwa says walking off the porch "Now let's go I love Enhyphen and my little brother but TXT is also there and those two together in one place calls for chaos" "Hahaha they'll be okay Yunho and they are" "The 99z are the pranksters in the crew" "Oh you're right Mingles we hope you feel alright just call one of us"  

Louie's View

"You must be Mingi welcome to the cafe" 

"Thank you" "Oh my gosh you changed your hair" "No I think the red is dying out" "Well it looks nice" "Thank you I might keep it" "How did you know where to go" "Hwa and Hoong stopped by my house" "You saw us" "Yeah through the monitor I home woke...

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"Thank you" "Oh my gosh you changed your hair" "No I think the red is dying out" "Well it looks nice" "Thank you I might keep it" "How did you know where to go" "Hwa and Hoong stopped by my house" "You saw us" "Yeah through the monitor I home woke up confused because no chaos was in my house" "Oh ha yeah everyone is here" "Today must be an easy day" "Yeah appears that way" "So we going places or are we chilling here?" "Maybe here for a bit more" Mingi takes the seat next to me and holds onto my hand. "Hey," He then wrapped his arms around me tightly "Okay you're worried about something" "Those guys" "We can always send Hongjoong and Seonghwa into spooky eye mode" "Matz Scare 2.0" "Matz Scare 2.0" Hongjoong and Seonghwa high-fived each other. "You know despite you two being a couple you guys act like besties who fell in love with each other" "Well friendship is now going on what over 11 years and then love wise it's been 5 years" "June 9th would mark the 6th year" "Awww that's cute" "So you want us to..." "Not today it's not everyday all of us are like this I think we should make the most of today"

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