Chapter IX: Soren

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     Soren was back in prison, but this time his parents were there with him. Most of the jail was rotted and not usable, so they were all in two cells. Luna looked around for anything useful to pick the locks with, but after her own escape thirty years ago they had tidied up. She now sharpened a small stone that was in her shoe against the bed. She struggled with the lock, but managed to get her and Scheven out of their cell. She ran and found the keys to unlock Soren and Soleil, as well as finding their weapons. Looking out the barred window, they realized that True Queen would be coming soon for their executions.
     However, soon was that moment. Spears, swords and shivs in hand, they were ready to fight. "Again? Luna, how do you do it?" True Queen asked as she drew the sword that was already destined to kill them. "I'm a Lee." she said as she thrust her spear. True Queen deflected it with the sword, leaving Luna defenseless. Soren falled for the same trick, and went to fight with his fists. Soleil jumped with her shiv, but True Queen kicked her off balance. But as she focused on dodging Soren and Luna, Scheven snuck around and pierced her in the back. She dropped to the floor. "I'm sorry, Anastasia. It had to be done." he said as she took her final breath.
    They ran through the cover of the woods, until they finally reached the river. They saw the cabins of Foja, Leod and Dadokes and ran as fast as they could to the bridge where they would be safe in Mirirejar. They crossed the bridge and hopped on the small trolly that took them from the bridge to the castle. After the Shiv War and all the back and forth that came with it, Scheven and Anastasia decided to have it built for easier transportation between the Capital Cities of there two Kingdoms. The journey that used to take a week could now be made in just a few hours. They got situated and they all began to push and pull the giant center lever that propelled them forward.
    The sun was setting and they finally saw the castle. Getting off the tram, Luna looked around with awe. "We haven't been here since that last fight of ours." Soleil said, turning to Luna. "It's so nice to be back. Let's head to the castle."
     Soren had told them that he overheard that Selene was to be the new Mirirejar Queen, but Luna devised a plan, at least she claimed she did. As they neared the castle, they quickly realized that the guards were intimidated at the sight of Luna after thirty years. Needless to say, the sight of her spear allowed them in.
    Selene sat dressed in the Miriejar robes, staring down at them zoned out. Scheven brought her out of her trance when Scheven yelled "I have returned! She is no longer welcome here." Despite Selene's pleas, the guards feared the return of Luna, being on Scheven's side. Selene was dragged to the prison tower where Soleil had once been held, and Scheven got the crown back. The guards left the four alone in the throne room to adjust who would be guarding where. When Scheven turned around, Luna had a grim look on her face. Soleil looked doubtful, but determined. Soren himself walked around to be behind Scheven, upset at what he had to do but knew it was for the best.
     "What's going on?" Scheven asked, concerned. "Mirirejar belongs to Lee's, Scheven. Always has, always will. Just give me this crown and I'll give you the one of Rielweth. This way we can all get what we want. I'll be back here with Soleil, you can still be a King, and together we'll take care of True Lover and his kids. What do you say, Scheven?" When Luna was done with her monologue, Soren placed one of his strong hands on Scheven's shoulder. He poisoned his spear against Scheven's back, who slowly lifted the crown off his head and handed it to Luna. She put it on, sighed heavily, then spoke. "See, it wasn't too hard, was it? You can let go now, Soren." Soren did as he was told, then watched as Luna climbed the stairs to sit back on her throne. "It's so nice to finally be back. We'll send you off to Rielweth tomorrow, Scheven. For now, we need to get closer to True Lover and his children. We just need to figure some logistics. Soren, come with me. We'll be back."
     Luna kissed Soleil goodbye then forced Soren to follow her into the tower where Selene was being held. "Stand back, let me do the talking." she said as they went in. Soren stood hidden in the small cove before the door as Luna walked in. "Why have you come here?" he heard Selene whimper. "Don't fear me, child. Your mother has likely painted a horrid picture of me in your mind, I'm simply here to change that." Luna said, walking out of Soren's sight.
     "Scheven tells me you're in love." Selene? In love? Soren thought. "What does he think he knows?" Luna scoffed at Selene's remark. "He tells me you wish me to be your mother-in-law." Me? "What makes him think that?" she asked, her voice shaking. "I'm here to make you a deal, Selene. You can have everything you want. You'll be Queen of Faormen with Soren as your King, you two can live out happily together in the very place your parents started their relationship. Together we can bring peace to this world. You, me, him, Soleil and Soren can rush in a new age for Iphica, for every Zellaridian and every Miri. What do you say?" Luna finished.
     "He tried to kill my parents." she said at last. "Who's to say he wasn't going to bail on Scheven if you hadn't?" Luna said, her web gaining another string. "I'll have to talk to him." Soren tensed. "Of course, you two will be married after all. Soren! Come over here."

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