Chapter XXIV: Xayah's Lament

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"Hello, Princess." Arlie said. "Hello, Queen Arlie." Xayah said, so happy to see Arlie again. The two curtsied, staring into each other's eyes. Xayah knew she wouldn't remember, for only she and Ideus did, but Xayah was determined to make things right again. She knew today had been foretold to her, the wedding of her brother to Anastasia, but she couldn't stop it, and neither could Ideus. She hoped that he would only be divorced, not killed. The wedding started and thought it was a beautiful ceremony, Anastasia had hesitated. Xayah and Ideus grew worried, especially since they still remembered the prophecies, but the wedding went off without a hit. Though Anastasia and Ideus had already left for their honeymoon, Faormen continued to celebrate. Xayah got Arlie to teach her the Zellaridian dances they were doing and was so happy to be able to dance with her again. She saw in Arlie's eyes that she did not remember, and it pained Xayah to know that she was the cause of that. She had been forced to do so, and had been successful. Now was her time to make it right.
    They hung out every day while she was in Faormen, and Xayah showed her all of her potions and gems. Even her pet frog, Sally, warmed up to Arlie quickly. Xayah had tried to redraw her face from memory so many times, but she certainly was no artist. She was sure to hide the drawings anytime Arlie joined her in her basement, which was most of the time. Arlie wanted to wait for Anastasia to get back before leaving to find Soleil again, who was being held by Luna. It was odd to hear of that, seeing the relationship Luna and Soleil had before Xayah had been forced to change everything. She hated the outcomes of the new world, and hoped that she could now make it right.
    Anastasia had not wanted to go on a honeymoon and instead got back to the search for Soleil, but Xayah's parents had forced them to go. Arlie talked of her highly, and of how she knew Beau had loved her. Xayah knew that too, but still had memories of the past that none other than her and her brother had. They still knew of the Isles, but not nearly as much as Xayah did.
    Anastasia had returned with horrible news; Ideus was dead. Xayah knew that this was going to happen sooner or later in his marriage to Anastasia, but couldn't believe just how quickly it had happened. That night, Xayah ran away to collect his body which Anastasia, "in her grief" had left there in the place that he had "grown to love so quickly". Xayah knew the truth, but also knew that this was meant to happen. She walked a great distance before finally making camp and resting. This continued for a few brutal, cold days, until she finally reached the Zellarid mountains. She walked to the entrance to the mountain circle in the snow where she found the lake had frozen over. She saw a large lump in the snow and went to look at it. She pushed some snow to reveal her brother's dead body, and she fell to her knees in grief. She heard footsteps behind her, and soon realized it was Arlie. She was happy to have her here now, and that she had brought a horse on which they threw Ideus' body over and rode on back to the bridge where Foja had sent them all back to Zellarid so they would not interrupt her discussions with Leod and Dadokes. She had used all of this power inside her, and could do nothing more now than fly and throw glitter around.
    They gave Ideus a proper burial on the Mirirejar side of the bridge, seeing as he was "married" to a Zellaridian who would likely be buried on the other side when she died. Anastasia sobbed fake tears, for Xayah knew that she had not cared for Ideus at all. Not many did, as Xayah was the only person who truly understood him. Being the only two that remember a large chunk of the past does that to people, or at least to the oldest Eilf children.
    Upon returning to Faormen Xayah heard that her parents and remaining siblings had gone to live in a cabin by the river, but not too close to Ideus' grave. Though it pained Xayah to leave Arlie again, she knew that they would be reunited again in the future. She had to go with her family, seeing as they had already lost their eldest son they did not want to lose their eldest daughter too. She bid a sad farewell to Arlie, knowing that they would see eachother again.

Xayah stood watching her new girlfriend. When she had called her here, Arlie told her how she felt. They had shared a glorious kiss, and held each other until the duel was to start. Now she stood as her girlfriend stood face-to-face with her friend. Xayah knew Arlie could overpower Anastasia, or could she? The truth was that Xayah didn't know. She told herself that Arlie would come out alive, but if she didn't? Xayah didn't know what she would do. She held Sally so she could see, while stroking her head, comforting them both. Xayah watched as the battle started. Once second, Arlie would be in the lead then the next Anastasia. They went back and forth, their skill matched to each other. Xayah watched with bated breath, as did everyone else in the crowd. Anastasia swept Arlie off balance, pinned her down with her right foot and pointed her shiv at Arlie's neck. She seemed hesitant, and every fiber in Xayah's being was urging Anastasia to show mercy. Alas, she did not. Instead, she bent down and slashed Arlie's through then stabbed her in the heart, killing her. Xayah came running to Arlie and held her as Anastasia, who was covered in Arlie's blood, walked away to Beau.

Beau had finally arrived at the bridge and it was finally time to start. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you all today. Well, we are at the grave site of six wonderful people that I once called friends. I am the last among them. You may not remember any more, you may never, but there was a time when we were called the most powerful seven to ever exist. I am the last one left. But it should not be this way. Anastasia, Soleil, Luna, Ryaxleb, my dear brother Ideus and Alrie, my love, all lie around this bridge on which I stand, soaked in the tears of the dead that we call rain. Their tears guide me now, as I right the wrongs of our ancestors that have led us to this point. That caused us to do the things we do for approval, for redemption, and for honor."

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