Chapter XVII: Tage

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After the drama, tears and anger of the morning everyone was glad to be on the road to Imperial City where they hoped to be by the end of the day, if they walked fast enough. Tage and Chloe walked side by side, right behind Beau who wanted some time alone with his thoughts. Behind them were Xayah and Arlie, the latter still comforting Xayah from the events of the morning. Behind them stood Soren, who walked in line with Soleil and Selene. Each line spoke hushed as not to disturb the other conversations or Beau's thoughts, including Tage and Chloe. "This morning was crazy," Chloe said as they walked. "Tell me about it. We all had our own theories, but I don't think anyone actually thought that she-" Tage trailed off. "It's an odd thing to think of your mother doing." he finished."

"I'm sure it is."

"But Ideus didn't love her either, I feel like he would've understood."

"I guess not everything is so simple. We wouldn't know loveless, arranged marriage with someone on the side. We're in love and we're loyal to each other."

"Exactly. Still, Selene was right in that he may have loved someone else too. And if he didn't, she stopped him from ever finding that person."

"That's true."

"But I know why she did it. She did it for my father, for me and for my sisters. She's with Ideus in the afterlife now, they can sort it out there. We just have to sort it out down here now too. That was thirty years ago, and now that we all have closure, especially Xayah, we can hopefully move on."

"Certainly. We're young, the two of us still have a whole lifetime to live out together. We have a family to build, a legacy to create, a marital vow to fulfill."

"You think about those things?"

"Of course I do! Don't you?"

"Of course I think of a life with you, a married you, don't I? It's just, you think about children?"

"We said we both wanted kids, and I want kids. Did you lie to me?"

"No, I do, but now?"

"Yes honey, there's a war brewing and so now would be my ideal time to have my husband, the general, go off to fight right after getting me pregnant. No, not now! But after this conflict is over, I think I'll be ready."

"You think we are?"

"We aren't getting any younger Tage. I know we're still young but if we wait around for too long, we may not be able to have children."

"You're right. It's just such a big thing."

"You're also right. But I think that if we can handle this, we can handle anything that a child could throw at us."

"You'll make a good mother."

"And you a good father."

They continued walking in silence, excited to get this over with and start a new chapter of their lives together, a normal married life. He took her hand as they continued through the forest. They heard the distant calls of birds, letting them know they were nearing the middle of the forest. Unfortunately, they had to stop for the night. The wind blew terribly that night, but it seemed to mimic the melody of Tage's mother's lullaby. Tage asked Selene to listen to it and she agreed, and their father overheard them and they decided to sing it in her honor. They sang line by line;

"Walls have ears" Soleil began.
"Doors have eyes" Chloe chimed in.
"Trees have voices," Tage added.
"Beasts tell lies," Arlie sang.
"Beware the rain" Xayah added in
"Beware the snow" Selene chimed in.
"Beware the man you think you know," Beau added.
"Be like glass, if he breaks you, cut him" Soren sang.
""Cause a fish with its mouth closed never gets caught" They all sang in unison.

They continued this pattern until they all started to drift off for the next day's journey. Tage was last awake, and he lay there looking up at the stars, thinking. Oh mother, why you torment us so. I miss you, yet I am glad the world has rid of you. You have good excuses for Arlie, but Ideus? I am conflicted. We all are. Mother, you know I love you and always will, but in many many years when we meet again I will have questions and you will have answers. If I am to continue your legacy with Chloe, I will need to know everything that there was before so I can pass it along to my children. No one talks of a time before the Shiv war anymore, and I know you made it that way, "True Queen." I prefer to call you Anastasia now, we all know father does. The joy in his face when someone calls him Beau, even when Scheven called him Beau it made him so happy. We have even called him Beau in some situations instead of calling him father or dad, that's how happy he is. He needs that happiness now that you're gone. He sees some of you in all of us, and not just how we look. Ah, I'm ranting again. That's something I got from you. Regardless, though I don't know how to think of you, I know that you always instilled strength in me. It is because of you and your training that I am general today. I know you did not select me because I am your son, but because I was qualified for the task. Give me that strength mother, please. Give me the strength to finish this deed so that Chloe and I can give you grandchildren. I want to have children with her, I want to live out a happy marriage with her, so give me the strength I need to fight to be able to have all of that. Please mother, please.

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