Chapter 6 : An unpleasant encounter.

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Dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows,the clouds were latched to the unending sky.

He got off the plane but not before putting on his Shades, not wanting to get unwanted attention, after all, he was a public figure, his name is mentioned in news, Magazines, and newspaper because of his achievements. He made sure his pictures isn't shown in the media or anywhere. He prefer to be kept being the Shadows than to be known everywhere but every time he bags a deal or takes over a new  company, his name tends to be mentioned all over. After all, he's the youngest self made billionaire, even though there are people that leak his pictures by snapping him without his knowledge when he receives an invitation to attend a big party hosted by his business partners and he only attend those when Junaid force him to, if not, Jordan always attend these as his presenter. Ignoring the glances that were casted at his way  he proceeded to enter a car prepared for him by Junaid, a black car with tinted glasses, just the way he likes it.

Sitted in the back of his plushy upholstered air conditioned limo, Khalid took off his Shades and stared through the window.

The moment he entered the state and the smell of the beautiful trees that beautify nature reached his nostrils, he knew he was home, he wasn't surprised when he saw new buildings and renovations, after all, its been 15 years since he last came. He saw how the city changed drastically, how it became a beautiful city. From the rough roads  he once knew has now become a smooth pathway, and the flyovers that were made.

They reached their destinations after some minutes and the chauffeur exited the car and went towards Khalid's door as fast as he could and opened the door to his side. As dominating as he is, the driver can't even look at him in the eye, he lowered his gaze and welcomed him, Khalid just nodded. The guards all came as scared, afraid as if they might be fired this instant. He radiates virility surrounded by an aura of wealth and power.

He took hold of his shades and put them back on, he raised his heads a little bit and looked at the building, he smirked a little, which shows that he's impressed. it wasn't surprising for him when he found the whole building almost empty, because junaid told him they'd all be waiting for his arrival in the conference room.

He took steps towards the elevator and pressed on the last floor, he reached the last floor in utter silence, lost in his own thoughts. He walked towards the conference room and opened the door, He bumped lnto Sabrin hence causing all the files on her hands to fall down.
It seems like she didn't notice the person she bumbed into and she suddenly went down picking up the files as fast as she could while muttering a sorry.

The whole people in the conference room turned their attention towards them and gasped at who stood there by the door.

"Watch where you're going young lady." He abruptly stated taking her off guard, his voice send shivers down her spine. It was dominating with a sense of power. She stood and stood by the, unable to see him.He wanted to fire her this instant, can't she see where she's walking?, but Junaid warned him to control his anger issues which he's trying hard to, instead he just ignored her and took steps towards the front of the table, a large conference table sat to the ride, surrounded by plush chairs and adorned with different plants and décor.He saw junaid staring at him surprised before he composed himself and a smile took over his lips as he stood up and welcomed Khalid.

"Welcome" They shook hands and Khalid nonchalantly smirked  give him a 'finally I'll be tired of your bickering and pestering' look.

Khalid stood in front of the conference room making the occupants of the room to squirm in his presence. They've heard about him a lot,  but seeing him in person is a whole different vibe. He sat down in a seat prepared just for him at the front of the table and he assessed his workers. Without speaking a word, his eyes made them lower their gazes as if they were guilty of some sort of crime. The room went silent as a sepulcher.

Junaid was the first one to break the awkwardness. "Good evening everyone" He greeted when he received no response from them, he knew this man's dominating aura and Charisma makes the talkative mute.

He glaced over to Sabrin still standing at the door, afraid to make a noise after bumping to a person, and by mere looking, she knows he's her boss, junaid gestured for her to bring the file over to her table and take them back later after they're done with the meeting and she took silent steps to her seat and he gave her a smile to which she reciprocated.

"This is Mr Khalid, the CEO of this great multi billionaire company, As you all know, he's a great self made billionaire owing chains of Hotel and companies in the united kingdom and other countries, he owns this company, he's busy handling his other companies, so I decided to supervise this one till he comes, and he is.

As you can see, the CEO is here and he's taking over, and I would like to request you all to stand up one and by and introduce yourself and your rank"
Najeeba was the first one to stand up, my name is Najeeba Usman, the secretary of this company."  He nodded his head as all of the workers introduced themselves, when it was Sabrin's turn to introduce herself, she stood up and began speaking. "My name is Sa..." She couldn't finish introducing herself when his phone rang, he fused his phone out of his pocket, excused himself and left the office with junaid trailing behind him.

As they left the office, soft murmurings began echoing in the room, some ladies talking about how handsome and breathtaking he was, while some men were just burning jealous of his achievements.

Some moments passed and junaid came back alone, they all stretch their necks searching for the CEO, but junaid came alone and apologize for the sudden disruption that he received an important call and he had to leave. They all left the conference room and went back to their offices with long faces awaiting what tomorrow would offer.

Sabrin stretched her back which ached from sitting in one place for hours, finally acknowledging the rumbling of her stomach. Her aunt keeps complaining about her lack of eating breakfast at home, but she gets late in the morning and rushes out for work, courtesy of being the PA to the CEO. She's among the last people to leave the office and expected to come early.
She glanced at her wristwatch and a smile adorned her face, its lunch break, she exclaimed. Najeeba always comes and drag her out for lunch, but she didn't came, so she decided to be the one to call her.
She left her office and was walking when she saw najeeba walking towards her office.
She smiled and they walked into the cafeteria, bought their food and sat at the discreet end as usual.

"Have you seen him, he's so handsome like the men I've read in books, oh my god"
Sabrin furrowed her eyebrows wondering who she's talking about"Who are you talking about?" She asked
Najeeba gave her an 'are you serious look' "I'm talking about the CEO mana"

Sabrin face palmed her face and turned to look at her "Seriously naj, u haven't still got rid of your habits of comparing real men with  those of books?"
Najeeba is a book worm since there were young, she reads many books and she tends to compare reality with books"I'm obsessed babe, but seriously, Haven't you seen how handsome and breathtaking he was"

"I haven't looked at his face, I'm just scared of him, I wonder how stressful working with him will be" She mentally groaned.

Najeeba dramatically placed her hands on her heart and said "Had it been me in your position, I don't think I'll be able to concentrate on my work that much, god!! He's too handsome for my liking"

Sabrin just shook her head at Najeeba's drama and prayed "Allah yahdeeki ( May Allah guide you"

Najeeba uttered an Aameen and they ate while conversing about random stuffs.

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