Chapter 14; Rhapsody

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The weather was cold and chilly, the black clouds overpowered the sky as the white ones disappeared, causing the rain to fall violently with powerful thunders.

He got lost in his thoughts as he stood by the window in the early morning, listening as the rain fall, nourishing the earth.

Maa when are we returning back? And maa what about school? We are about to resume, I don't want want to miss my studies. I have to make you proud remember?

He asked his mother as they packed their luggage, his mother's lips curl up as she moved to and fro in their living room making sure all the bags are zipped up, and they packed everything needed.
Khalid we'll be back soon, we're just going to visit your grandmother. Because she really misses us and she wants to meet you. Aren't you excited? And don't worry, we'll be back before your holiday ends.

"I wish we could stay, I don't want to go. I want to stay here with Bubbi. She's my best friend Maa.

Thank god you called her name, i would have forgot, Yesterday, When you went out with your father, she came along with her mother and your Bubbi bought this to you. She went and fished out a beautiful box wrapped in purple. With "to my Bubba" Beautifully written. He saw it and his suddenly lit up like the 4th of jul "Open it let's see." He began unwrapping it with anticipation to see what it was.

He opened the box and saw a beautiful ring, too big for him and a picture of them together. She refused to give him when they snapped the picture, saying she wants to be the one to keep it. But he guessed she told her mother and they made it into two copies.

They snapped the picture during her birthday celebration. She was having a beautiful smile on her face and a small smile on his face too. He looked into the box and it had a book too. There diary, which they filled it with their golden memories. And it was named "Forever Besties" And a small letter attached to it.

"Hey Bubbi, I'm giving you all these so that you will not miss me over there. I told mama and she made two copies of both of each, and I have the other one you loved most, I'm not giving it to you till we grow up. I'm keeping it for myself alone because Its too beautiful and my favorite picture of us. The diary contains some of our pictures I made my uncle sani snap us all the times in the garden. They are so funny, but extremely beautiful. I've attached it to the diary. And the ring, I saved my money and bought it for you, well, I know it's too big for you, I choose the big size because I want you to keep it forever, I don't want you to out grow the ring. I bought a similar one for myself too, So that we'll recognise each other by it. Mine looks exactly like yours. I hope you loved it. Please come back soon Bubba, I love you."

His happiness knew no bound and he looked up to his Maa. "It's beautiful." She commented. He went and put it into bag, going with it and he made sure he tucked it properly.

He went to his room and came back after a while with a tiny bracelet and showed it to his Maa, "I would love to give this to her too"

He escorted his mother to the market one day and when he saw it, he made her to buy it for his Bubbi. I want to give it to her too Maa. His Maa nodded. He wrapped it finely. "I want to take it to her now, can I?" He asked his mother innocently and she shook her head.

His face fall and he pouted "But why?"
"Your father is on his way and we'll be leaving soon. But don't worry, we'll give it to their gateman to give it to her. Okay?"
Even though, he felt bad, but there was no way he was defying his mother and he simply said "okay" with a small smile, but a sad expression suddenly taking over.
His Mother noticed his expression and tried to cheer him up by ruffling his hair, something he hates most.

Because, its foreverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora