Chapter 11; Saudade

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Junaid came out after taking his bath, he got dressed in blank jeans and blue denim shirt. He trimmed his beard to perfection and looked quite fresh. He found Khalid sitting comfortably in his Ottoman, pressing his phone with so much assiduousness. He wondered what new he was doing with his phone, he wanted to ignore him, but there's no way he can!

Khalid sensed some movement and raised his read, he glaced at junaid with a smirk evident on his face. As if he wasn't the one he saw some moments ago saliva drooling from his mouth.

"Man!! What was that for?" Junaid said walking towards his mirror applying his perfumes and fixing his hair. Khalid locked his phone and put it back into his pocket.

"Did you remember 10 years back, you did this to me with 5 friends of yours." Junaid suddenly remembered and scoffed "So you don't foegtet things right?"

Khalid placed his leg above the other and said "I have every bit of my childhood engraved in my memory, what makes you think I'll forget this? Be glad I'm forgiving you for the way you bullied me, if not, you won't be staying here peacefully. "

Junaid's lips curled up " its not good holding on to things you know, some memories are meant to be forgotten."
Khalid knew what junaid meant and all, but no matter how hard he tries, they always come back haunting him, some things are better forgotten, but to him, every moment of his life is a story engraved in his mind. And the nightmares that haunts him isn't something he is fond of. But what can he do when his heart can't help but drag him back to memory lane. At some point, he hates sleeping, because whenever he does, it is just haunted by nightmares.

Junaid stood up and they made their way towards the door.
"Let's go and have breakfast, I'm starving." Together, they walked side by side, having random talks on their way and there friendship of course is one in a million.

They descended the stairs and the table was set with different dishes, courtesy of him, starting from different varieties of fruits, smoothies, pancakes, Chips and eggs, fried yam, tea's and many more. He wondered how they made all these in a very short notice. Nevertheless, he was extremely grateful.

They sat down and at the same time, junaid's immediate younger sister, Ammarah came after them, who they call Ammah, she was still in her pyjama's, her hair left out freely, her headphones in her ears listening to loud music , trying to tried to mime it, her voice loud as if she was the real singer. She swayed her hips around with no worries in the world. Junaid knocked her on the head and reprimanded her "Ammah, what is this insolence behavior? can't you see we have a guest here?"

She tabbed at the placed he knocked and whined with a pout on her lips "I told you many times not to knocked me especially on the head, I hate it, your hands hurt"

He gave her a hard stare and she turned around to acknowledge Khalid "Good morning Mr, are you here to eat free breakfast, anyways, eat and go, thanks" She gave khalid a fake smile and rolled her eyes.

Junaid's jaws flushed a deep shade of red, and he scrunched his features as he stared at her, "Mind your language Ammah, why are you so mannerless, apologise to him immediately." He yelled hence making her flinch.
She rolled her eyes and apologised, if not, she knew she'd wake up with abrasion and swelled face the next day.
"And for your information, he is not a guest, you might grew up not knowing him, but he is a very important person especially for Ummah, if you want to be in Ummah's good books, you have to respect him. And not just him, you have to respect very single person. now go and make yourself presentable and come back" He yelled and she gave him a disbelieving look.

"Haba yaya, you won't allow me to roam freely outside and now, you're bossing me at home too. Its not fair, and when did guests started becoming family" He pinched the gap between his nose totally pissed off and abruptly stood up to at least give her a very good slap, to his dismay, she sprinted upstairs to her room and came back completely dressed. Hissing now and then, till junaid warned her for the last time. It was hard for him to control himself from giving her a slap or two, but he did! They don't know what's wrong with Ammarah and why her behavior is becoming worse each day. It breaks his heart to see that Ummah tried to give her the best upbringing but alas, the bad friends she follows at the university turned her this way. She now likes attending parties, have many boyfriends and doesn't like studying at all. To her, that's what being a big girl is. It even reached to a point that she totally abandoned the hijab and she started dressing immodestly.
Its only when she started being grounded, her phone being seized for some days, a few slaps here and there that she began to fully mend her ways. But still, she isn't any less than what she was before.

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