Chapter 20; Invidiousness

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Sabrin groggily woke up as the morning sun casts it's ray into her room. She opened one eye and slowly opened the other. Her eyes settled on a different room that doesn't look like her own room in Jigawa, or her room in Kuwait, where she studied. She abruptly sat up, "Where am i? Am I kidnapped?  She asked no one in particular, confusion evident on her face.

Realisation dawned on  her and she laughed at her own silliness "ohhh" She mouthed. They arrived to Canada late last night and she was so tired, she was just given her room and she slumped to bed without even changing her cloths. To say she was tired was an understatement. And the distance from the airport to the hotel is a whole stress itself, she almost thought they were travelling again.

She stood up from the bed to fully analyse where she was. She was in a hotel suite. A very big one  for that matter. It had a large flat screen, air conditioning, free WiFi  and a living room with a complete set of Sofa's. She walked towards the window and her eyes turned wide as saucers. It felt like she was in the 100th floor of a building. Everything looked tiny from where she was, she can see mountains, and the room had a beautiful view, in and out.

She walked into the bathroom, it was a such a lavish bathroom with Mable floors, a big bath tube and a walk in closet. She clapped her hands in admiration and thought about how blissful the five days she'd be spending here would be.

She took her bath and opened her suitcase to get dressed because she's freaking hungry and instead of ordering it, she wants to go to the restaurant herself and explore everything.  And it came to her mind that she didn't even know the exact date of the meeting they'd be having, well, she shrugged it off and made a mental note to ask him later.

Unable to decide what to wear, she settled for a navy blue set dress, she picked a grey hijab and a matching grey bag. She got dressed and a smile etched on her lips, the dress looked really beautiful,  She sat in front of the vanity and did a little makeup on her face. She applied nude lipstick that really complimented her lips, she wore her blue sneakers  and took her phone, but not before changing her pouch.  With a last look into the mirror, she blew herself a kiss and made her way out.

She stood in front of the elevator waiting for it to open for her. It opened and hopefully, there weren't many people inside expect for a girl who's almost her age, fully covered with her hijab too. The girl gave her a tight lipped smile to which she reciprocated. She  stood inside  waiting to it to take her to her destination. She took her phone and tapped it open, Lo and behold, it had 15 missed calls from Farha and unlimited messages. She completely forgot to text her and she was extremely tired. She knows Farha will be so worried and she'll definitely scold her.

"Hi, my name is Aira" the girl beside her said stretching her hands for a handshake, trying to initiate a conversation.

"Hello, I'm Sabrin" She said bringing forth her hand for the handshake.

"You are beautiful ma Shaa Allah (Allah has willed it)" Aira said out of nowhere

"Thank you, you're beautiful too" She said and a smile crept on Aira's face. At the same time, the elevator stopped at the last floor and they made their ways. She rummaged through the hall and saw a lady "Excuse me, can you tell me where the restaurant is?" She asked and the lady directed it to her.

Her phone rang on her way and the caller ID showed Farha, she picked the call and placed it on her ear, "Why the freaking hell were you not picking my calls? Do you know how worried I was? Do you have any idea?" Came Farha's pissed off voice over the phone, she had to take her phone away from her ear for some seconds.

"I'm so sorry, yesterday I slept off and I didn't see any of your calls" She explained honestly, but Farha doesn't seem convinced with her reply

"Couldn't you at least drop a text that you've reached their safely? That was the least you could do, you got me all worried" She could fell Farha pouting over the phone and a smile made its way to her face.

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