The Wild West

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"Just trust me Ben," you say, "I know what I'm doing." Once you had woken up and the shock went away, you quickly realized that this is an Isekai. So based on all the anime you watched, you conclude that there must be a city nearby with an adventurers guild and big tiddy women that will enter your harem.


"It's not luck, I know where I'm going"


"Just- Just trust me." You say, not wanting to reveal that the only reason you know is because you're a nerdy little weeb.

After a long walk, you eventually find the city. It was sort of a wasteland, sand all around. Like the wild west. There was a castle up a giant cliff overlooking the city at the center of the city. The cliff was so high and the castle was so majestic, you could see it from the entrance even though it looked to be miles away, long as the distance between two cities.

"LooksLikeYouWereRight" said Ben.

"Who're you? Asked the guard guarding the entrance.

"Adventurers," You say.

"Guilds in the tavern," he said, letting you in.

"WhatTerribleSecurity" Complained Ben. "WhatIfATerroristBombsThePlace?"

"Ben‌, it's an alternate world. There are no bombs."




"Oh look, it's the guild." When will this guy go away?

Whilst Ben was really annoying, he was still an important companion. He's the only person you knew from your world.

The taverns door was similar to a cowboy bars door. You enter and the entire room looks up from their mug at you.

You and Ben slowly walk towards the innkeeper, and finally take a seat

This feels like a cowboy movie

"What would you like, sir?" Asks the innkeeper,

"ActuallyIDontDrink." Said Ben.

"We'll take water." You say.

The innkeeper slides two mugs of water to you and Ben. You sniff it before dramatically drinking half the mug in one gulp.

"Where do you come from?" Said the man sitting next to you. He was wearing a cowboy hat so his face was unidentifiable. You stop gulping on the water and slam it on the table, "Another!" You shout at the innkeeper.

"But sir your mug is still half fu-"

"YE DEEF BOI?" You always wanted to act like a cool cowboy.

The innkeeper sighed and took your mug.

"What's it to you?" You answer the man finally.

"Your pals outfit ain't from around here." He was referring to Ben's suit, it did stand out from all the cowboys.

Could it be?

Could the man be from your world? There's only one way to confirm your suspicions. But you can't think of it right now, so you play along.

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