The Salamanca Twins

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Geron flipped the coin for the thousandth time and sighed. He was the owner of the gunshop in the town. He was robbed just a day or two ago, and he briefly thought about retiring, and was ashamed to even think about that.

What a coward.

He put the coin back in his pocket and took a whiff of his cigar. Just as he put the cigar in his mouth it was shot out of his hands.

"Hey what the-'' he was cut-off as he saw two men with cowboy hats aiming a gun at him. They seemed like twins, with a chin beard that was trimmed like a line. A line of beard on their chin. They showed him a drawing of four men. He looked at the drawings, but didn't seem to recognize any of them. He shrugged and one of the twins hit him in the cheek with the gun and pointed at the drawings again.

"Where?" He asked.

He took a closer look, then something caught his eye.

That hat looks awfully familiar....

He put his hands in a drawer and one of the twins brought the gun to his head. He slowly got his hands out of the desk, showing a pencil. He drew a mask on one of the men's faces and just as he thought, it was his robber.

"Yes, yes I know them!"


"I don't -" he saw another familiar face. The foreigner with the weird clothing, he saw him and the two other guys and laughed at them.

"Last I saw them, they were in the tavern," he said.

The twins nodded to each other and walked away.

"Get those bastards!"

They turned back and aimed their gun at him.

I shoulda kept my mouth shut

"CAAW CAAW" the crows sang.

"We would really get a lot more money if we split our work," Complained Arthur, again, "this is really unproductive!"

"For the last time, Arthur," you say, irritated, "if we split up, we'll die. The twins will target each of us and take us by surprise, one by one."

"Can't they just come out of a bush and kill all of us anyways?"


" 'logically' speaking, we've been waiting for a week!" Said Arthur. "ActuallyThatsFactualNotLogical"

Arthur was getting pissed. "Factually speaking, I'm about to put a bullet in your head!"

Two men on horses stopped 40 feet away from the four of you.

"Talk of the devil," you say.

The Salamanca twins get off the horse, and so do the four of you. You slap your horses ass. You don't want it to be caught in the crossfire. The others do the same, but not the twins.


You lock eyes with each other, hands on your hip. You close the gap a little by walking forward. Slowly. Eyes never leaving each other, unblinking. You calculate the position of one of them but fail because you suck at math. Maybe if, instead of wasting your time on video games, you spent it on math, you could do it.

You all take out your pistols and revolvers and start blasting. Fortunately, the Salamancas horses immediately ran away.

Thank God

You all took cover behind houses and kept shooting. You attempted to close the gap a bit more. The 6 of you were getting closer and closer. You see a Salamanca attacking Ben from behind. You immediately tackle him, not trusting your aim. You take out your gun to shoot, but he twists your wrists and throws you aside. Ben attempts to headlock him, but the twin easily frees himself and gives Ben a punch he'll feel every time he gets out of bed. The twin takes out two guns from his hip and aims it at You and Ben. But right before he pulls the trigger, Chuck karate kicks him mid-air and the twin misses.

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