Hector Salamanca

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The deer takes another sip of the river water, "Blessed I am to be blessed with such provisions,"
It walked around the trees, and it was happy. It was going to go to its wife and children, such a great-

The birds fly away after the gunshot sound comes.
"Bullseye," Don laughs, "see Hecor? A heads hot! How are you planning to top that?"
Hector takes out his gun but hears footsteps.
"Who's there!" He shouts, turning around.

After days of searching, you finally found them. The four - no, the three of you point your gun at him.
One gun would be enough,
"Hands up, and get off." Demanded Chuck. They complied. "Whose men are those white ninjas?"
"Oh, you'll find out real soon," said Hector.
"First the stuttering negro, now this cowboy." Complains Don. "Give me a bre-"
Chuck blasts his big head. He points it at Hector.
"Since I'll find out real soon, I don't need you." He says. He shoots.
Out of the blue a man appeared, white shirt and pants, his cowboy hat blindingly white. The man gets up from the kneeling position he was in, and reveals the bullet Chuck shot.
You gasp.
Arthur shoots both of them at once, but those were easily caught too. The man shows his face, and you were shook.
Bruce Lee, it was Bruce Lee.
He leaped towards you, leg extended. Chuck grabs his leg and throws him to the side. Bruce hits a tree and falls face-down. He pushes himself in the air and lands oh the ground. He runs towards Chuck and punches him. Chuck blocks and kicks. Bruce backflips, barely evading Chuck's kick and kicking Chuck. Chuck is thrown in the but lands on his feet.
He grabs a tree branch and starts hitting Bruce. Bruce blocks it and jabs Chuck. Chuck blocks with the branch and kicks Bruce's knees, then punches him. Bruce blocks the punch and throws him to the side. Chuck grabs Bruce mid air and throws him. They both land on their feet. Bruce jumps, rolls mid air, and mid roll he manages to create four aftermaths of himself.
Chuck blocks, moves himself quickly, and creates four aftermaths of himself.
So fast....
All five Bruce's attempt to bring their leg down, breaking Chuck's head. All the Chuck's block it. Bruce's aftermath image throws Chuck in the air, then leaps up, brings his feet to the air, and brings it down on his stomach. Chuck coughs up blood and is thrown down. He hits head on a branch, and his aftermath suddenly disappears, presumably dead.
The mid-air Bruce starts descending down but is grabbed by a Chuck afterimage and is punched. Bruce kicks Chuck, and he is thrown in the air. Bruce lands on a branch and leaps, breaking the branch. He attempts to kick Chuck, but Chuck evades and punches him in the face. Bruce is thrown to the ground, making a big hole in the ground. Chuck brings himself down and gives the final kick, eliminating Bruce. Another Bruce after image emerges from the trees above and attacks Chuck. Chuck grabs his face and slams him to the ground. But he only slams his empty fists.
Bruce appears behind him, grabs him by the hair, and throws him. Chuck goes through several trees, knocking them down. Then Bruce appeared behind him and kicked his back, breaking his spine. Chuck disappeared, dead. The two Bruce's shake their hands,
"Teamwork is like water," before he could finish his sentence, he was finished with a roundhouse kick in the face.
The second Bruce immediately turned back and dodged Chuck's kick. Chuck misses him and instead kicks another Chuck. The Chuck is obliterated from the kick. Chuck and Bruce stand face to face. Clenching their fists. Suddenly, another Bruce and Chuck aftermath speeds past them in the middle.
Bruce punches Chuck mid-air, and Chuck punches back. Eventually, they both hit a Boulder headfirst, both dying.
The Chuck and Bruce aftermath that were standing face to face resume their battle. Chuck punches Bruce, but Bruce crouched and punches him in the balls. He gets back up and fists his mouth. "HIYAAAAAA" Bruce's fists enter his mouth and leave through the back of his head. He pulls it back to himself, fists all bloody. The Chuck aftermath disappears.
A hand grabs his head from behind and crushes his head. He disappears as well.

"Your aftermaths lost the battle. What makes you think you stand a chance." Teases Bruce.
Chuck pulls out his two guns and starts shooting. Bruce catches them all. He starts hearing beeping sounds, but before he can realize anything, the bullets explode. Though the smoke leaps Chuck, kicking Bruce square in the face. Bruce is thrown backward, sliding on the ground. Chuck blitzes towards him and kicks the rolling Bruce. Bruce falls towards the sky, and Chuck knees him in the spine. Bruce seemed unfazed as he grabbed Chuck by the throat and threw him to the ground.
"I bent my back so you wouldn't be able to kick me," he said. "You stand no chance, give up!"
"Perchance," comes a voice from behind.
"WhT?" He turns around and gets punched in the face, his hat flies away. He steadies himself, bends his knees, and uses the wind to leap towards Chuck, causing a hurricane in the direction he kicked the wind at.
He punches Chuck to the air and leaps forward again. But this time, Chuck expected him. Chuck takes out his gun and shoots Bruce. Bruce quickly evades them but is met with a kick in the face. Before he can hit the ground, though, Chuck pointed the gun at the back of his head,
Chuck shoots, causing Bruce to start spinning midair and crashing on the ground. He gets up, his left shoulder injured, blood streaming trailing down from his head, dirtied and bruised. He spreads his arms, the spiritual molecules gathering around him. He clasps his hands and creates a shockwave. The ground shakes, and a blue transluscent dragon appears from the ground, roaring. The dragon was long and had a limbless body. It flew towards Chuck and flung him. Chuck rolled in the ground before getting in a handstand and pushing himself up. The dragon attacked him whilst he was still in the air and took him further up. The dragon opens its mouth to eat him, but Chuck attempts to push himself out of the way by doing a pushup in the air. He succeeds, but the dragon chomps down on his hands. Chuck screams in agony, then he spreads his hands and puts one on the top side of the dragon's head and the other on the lower side.
He pushes its mouth open, his forearms impaled on its tooth. He uses his foot to keep its jaws open and performs an uppercut to the top side of the head. The head is completely separated from the jaw. Chuck takes out his lasso and lassoes one of the tooth on the head. He is pulled towards it, and then he lands on a huge tree. He spins the top of the head and throws it at Lee. Some parts of the grounds are aeperated and are turned into rubbles. Chuck lassoed one of them and pulled himself down. He landed on a piece of flying ground and leaped towards Bruce. He roundhouse kicked him so hard, Bruce went high in the air, a sparkle appeared, and he was gone.
"You're the first that made Chuck Norris bleed." Said Chuck.
He seemed to have genuine respect for the man. And he seemed to be bloody and a mess. You realized you've never seen his blood before.

You look back at Hector, and he seems to be shaking.
"That wasn't supposed to happen."
You aim your gun at him, but hear hooves. You look towards the sound, and you see a cowboy riding to your direction, brown hat, and dusters coat. His horse brown as well.
From his chin, you could see he was dark skinned.
"My follow cowboys," he said as he tilted his head up, "we should stop all this unnecessary violence."
"A fellow American?"
"What are you doing here, Obamna? I thought you died, I saw Michelle's body, I thought the other one was yours!"
"Michelle is dead, what! Who? Who did it?"
"They did," said Hector. "I saw them with my own eyes! Now they're targeting me!"
You tried to explain to him, but he seemed consumed with rage.
He pulled out his gun and started shooting you and Arthur. The two of you take cover behind two trees.
"Arthur, make Hector confess that Lalo killed Michelle, then kill him!" Arthur nods, and the two of you start shooting.
"Obama, listen to me!"
"My fellow cowboy, you should taste my American bullet!"
You shoot him in the knees, and he falls down. You take the opportunity and tackle him. You cover his mouth and shoot the ground next to him.
"He's dead!" You shout.
"You sick fool!" Says Arthur, "You forced the boy to kill an innocent man! You liar! You don't even have the guts to take responsibility for your men's doings!"
"Oh, but that wasn't my men's doings," he says, "it was mine! Haa Haa!"
Obama stops struggling. You release him. He gets up, and a tear escapes his eyes. He gently walks towards Hector.
Hector hasn't noticed him. He cocked his gun and shot him in the gut. Hector falls down, clenching his wound. Obama walks up to him and brings the gun to his head. "Any uh, last words?"
"Your wife had a peni-" gunfire.
Obama was shocked, eyes bulging out, he had shot him due to initial shock. He falls, defeated.."I'm gaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!! Why, why uh, meeeeeeeee!"
You leave him to his grief.
"Alright, our job here is done." You declare to Chuck and Arthur. "We're leaving and advancing towards the castle."
"I'm actually going to stay. This place is good enough for me."
"But what about John-"
"What happens, happens. If I died, then that's how it's supposed to be."
You look at Chuck. "This place is starting to feel like him. And now I have his dojo, I can train people. I'm fine here."
You sigh and go back to Obama.
"Crying won't get you anywhere, come one, let's go. We must escape this world. You have a country to lead."
You get him up and have him mount his horse. You mount your horse as well, and the two of you trot away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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