Part 2!

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I almost fell asleep but in that second I heard the front door being unlocked.
It is Niall I know that and I also know that he is probably drunk as hell because he really drinks much lately and I'm not just worried about his health, I'm also worried that he might be cheating on me while he is in the club and completely drunk.

However, I saw that he now opened the bedroom door as well and I just pretended to sleep because I didn't want to talk to him anyway.

He is drunk and I can smell the alcohol and I think it's disgusting, I hate the smell of it.

He laid down on the bed next to me and we both fell asleep.

On the next Morning, I got up and looked next to me but he wasn't there. I wish I could cuddle with him because I missed him so much but he is probably in the kitchen, eating.

I have to talk to him today, I just have to, I have to fight for him, I just love Niall James Horan.

I went downstairs and saw him making breakfast. Again, he seemed sad and angry but I still didn't know why. I always tell him all my secrets and he knows that I trust him but he obviously doesn't trust me if he refuses to tell me what's up.

I am just worried, can he not understand that ? I want to help him but yet I don't even know what his problem is.

He sat down and we ate in silent and it was not a comfortable one.

After the breakfast, he got himself a bowl of popcorn and sat down on the couch and watched a football match.

That was my chance.

I went over and sat down next to him. I touched his hand and I wanted to hold it but he flinched away.

I was hurt.

Hey Guys, I hope you like this chapter xx

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