Part 4

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Niall's POV.:

"EMILY WAIT" I shouted but she didn't turn around.

Well, it's my fault anyways, I mean I let her go, the love of my life and I was so harsh towards her...

I lost her and I was worried where she is now because she has no one to go to.

She had no one besides me and I let her go, I had to.

I ran my hands through my hair and a few tears escaped from my eyes.

I was so angry and sad at the same time, all because of....whatever.

It was already dark outside and I couldn't leave my princess alone in the dark plus it was freezing and she had no jacket on.

I didn't know if I should go and search for her or just stay here.

I decided to stay and watch TV, I wanted to at least bring her a jacket but she wouldn't want to talk to me anyways after what I said and did to her.

She really thinks I have an affair or something, god how could she think that ? I would never cheat on her.

But again, she may think that because I got drunk everyday and came back at 3 or 4am...

I really ask myself where Em is right now.

Emily's POV.:

I couldn't believe it.
This wasn't the Niall I fell in love with. He was the only one I had left and now I've lost him as well.

I cried rivers and just ran, I didn't know where, I just ran.

I heared Niall shouting "EMILY WAIT" but obviously he didn't care about me otherwise he wouldn't have said all these mean things to me.

I ran and wanted to cross the street but in that moment a car came towards me and hit me so hard, the pain was unbelievable and I saw nothing but blackness.

Btw guys, this is an imagine NOT a long story, that's why the parts aren't that long :) stay tuned and maybe comment how the imagine is so far ? 💕

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