Sunghoon || ceiling collapse

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"Alright Enhypen! You have to go around these huge poles and several obstacles. The team that wins will get to choose whatever prize they desire!" The host exclaimed, making the members excited.

All of the Enhypen members cheered. It was another en o clock episode, and they always looked forward to it.

"Ah I'm so excited!" Niki said, jumping around a little. Jake chuckled at the maknae as the two excitedly talked about it.

"Alright, we have a hat filled with all of your names, we will have Heeseung and Jungwon both be the team leaders"

The members clapped as the two stood besides each other.

"Alright, the first name I pull out will be on Jungwons team"

All the members anticipated, as the host hands scrambled messily in the hat.

Finally, he picked one.

"Lets see..."

He quickly unravelled the paper as the members, especially Jungwon, all listened attentively.


Jake cheered a little, running up to Jungwon and side hugging him. Jungwon flashed his famous dimple smile, as the host began to move onto Heeseung.

"Lets see who'll be in Heeseung's team"

The host once again dunked his hand into the hat as the members waited.


Niki cheered gleefully and ran up to his eldest hyung in joy.

"Yay hyung! We're so gonna win this!"

Jungwon scoffed "As if! The prize is ours!" He remarked sassily, smirking in the process.

The hyungs laughed. The maknae's competitiveness never failed to make them laugh.

"And next we have Sunoo!"

"Oooh, we have Sunghoon in Heeseung's team!"

"And finally Jay!"

The teams were finally sorted.












They all gathered together, the two teams creating a little distance between each other.

Host:"Alright so, you see that green flag all the way at the end there?"

He pointed clearly as all the members lifted their heads up to see, some even tiptoeing.

"You need to bring me those flags while passing all these obstacles, however, there's many green flags scattered, but I won't tell you how many there are, so you just need to bring me all the green flags you can find"

All the members listened attentively.

"The team with the most green flags wins, but, the losing team can redeem themselves as we will play one more game afterwards"

Niki furrowed his brows "But sir, wouldn't that mean it would be a draw"

The host shook his head "If the losing team wins afterwards, we'll have one more game and only then, it will decide the real winner"

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