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It was another day at UA, yet everyone was back in the conference room because Nezu told them to or else.

" Well, we are all here because there have been a series of attacks, I would like all of you to check it out with the pros. Get into groups and don't separate from you team for no motive at all, we cannot have anyone going missing or hurt. Got it crystal clear do ya?", Nezu says.

He got a series of nods and yeses of agreement as Aizawa called them outside to assign them to their groups.

Once he did that, Izuku was in a group with his roommate.

'This feels cliche', Izuku thought.

They all headed to their rooms to get ready as for they only had ten minutes to get their thing's before, they had to leave. Once everyone was done, they met up downstairs and waited for instructions.

" You heard what principle Nezu said, you wait to fight until further notice, your job is to help the citizens and please for the love of God don't separate from your groups like you always do, if I hear you did so, trust there will be consequences. ", Aizawa said.

~Time-skip to after the mission bc it wasn't important lol~

They all started to make their way back to UA after their mission, everyone was exhausted and tired, yet all of them noticed that Izuku wasn't looking too good.

Tsu had asked if he was alright but before he could full finish his sentence, he had passed out.

Before he could fall to the ground, Sero ran forward and caught him, he picked Izuku up bridal style and looked down at him in worry and with a smile as he notices Izuku cuddle up against him. The other guys looked at Sero with jealousy as Sero smirked at them, while the rest of the class notices and laughs loudly at the interaction. 

Once they made it to UA, some were told to go to recovery girl if they were badly injured, Izuku being one of them, Sero took him and walked into the infirmary and smiled at recovery girl as she sighed. Just then the rest of the guys also walked in, and she groaned not wanting to deal with so much people. 

" Don't worry we aren't injured, we just want to see if Izuku is alright", Shinso says.

"Well, what happened to him this time", she says as she sighed once more.

" Ahem well, he did use his quirk a little too much during the mission, and well when Tsu asked if he was alright, he couldn't even finish his sentence before he passed out and almost hit the ground if Sero didn't catch him", Todoroki said.

Recovery girl checked his vitals and everything else that needed to be looked after and sighed.

" He indeed did overuse his quirk and passed out from exhaustion, when he wakes up, he is free to go, but please since you are his roommates and friends, he must rest for at least two days, and since it's Thursday, I'm sure Nezu will give you all free passes to miss class since you will personally be taking care of him. He will also need some medication because I also noticed something else, but I am not to tell you until I personally speak with Izuku just to make sure. Well, you are all free to go", She says as she turned around and faced her computer once again.

None of them moved from where they were standing and only had a million thoughts running through their minds.

'What did she mean something else, and that Izu needs medication?"


' Pobercito mi amor'

" Well, what are you all standing there, you are free to go", Recovery girl said confused.

Just then, light bulb appeared above her head as if she knew something, she gasped softly and smirked at the men.

" Ohhh, I see, mhm tell me, how long have you liked him", She questioned.

They all looked at her, haw dropped from someone exposing their biggest secret.

"W-w-what no it's not that", Kaminari stuttered.

" Oh cmon, I can see it in your faces, you all like him. So, when are you all going to confess to him?", She says.

They all got quiet and started to mumble answers which her poor elderly ears can't even hear.

" Speak up! I can't hear a word you are saying", She said annoyed.

" What.... what if he doesn't like us, especially ALL of us, we don't even know if he likes guys or if he is poly", Kirishima said as he looks at the ground.

Recovery smiled softly already knowing where this was going and before anyone else could say something she spoke and said something that may give them hope.

" Listen, don't say stuff like that, it only brings you down in hope, and trust he probably does like you, I've seen how relieved he is when you all are around, he finally looks happy", She says.


Was he not happy before?

They heard a soft groan from beside them on one of the infirmary beds.

" W-where am I?", Izuku mumbled but loud enough for someone around to hear.

" Ah finally your awake, you just passed out from overusing your quirk, you are all fine now, but before you can leave, I want to talk to you about something, would you like them to leave so it's just the two of us?" Recovery girl asked.

" No, they can stay, I trust they won't tell anyone", Izuku said smiling.

" Very well then, how long have you had depression and be honest", Recovery girl bluntly asked.

Izuku was frozen as he stared at the white sheet in front of him.

" I saw the cuts Izuku, just tell us the best you can", she said.

" Age 10, that is when it started, I didn't know what it was until I started to hear voices, I cut to silence them, I still do, I can't help it, th-the things they say, it messes me up." Izuku weakly said.

Everyone looked at him sadly.

" I have wrapped them up, the cuts, I also want to give you some anti-depress pills, take one each day, one more question though before I let you go", Recovery girl says as she handed the pills to Aizawa.

" Have you tried to end yourself?"

The put a pause on everything Izuku was doing, he was just getting up as she asked him that question. He took a shaky breath and tilted his head a bit to the ground before answering.

" I have, once though, I didn't succeed, the thoughts were too much and I go suicidal, I- im a little better now", Izuku said still looking at the ground.

" Ok, that is all, you may leave, and boys make sure he gets lots of rest and takes one pill each day!", She said loudly as they all walked out.

They all walked to the dorms and headed to their own dorm room, once they got there Izuku walked past them and laid on his bed, curled up in a small ball.

" Izu are you okay", Ida asked.

" I-Im fine", was all Izuku said.

" We don't think of you any differently little listener, as long as you are and will get better, just makes us happy", Mic said softly not raising his voice for once.

They heard whimpers and sniffs, they realized Izuku was crying, some of them went to sit next to her while some just stood by the bed, they all heard a soft, "thank you", before they noticed he cried himself to sleep.

They all smiled at him.

" Your much stronger than you think Izuku". 

~Why care (MHA)~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora