~Where did it go wrong?~

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Izuku woke up with a start, one of 'these' hasn't happen in a while, it terrified him, deeply scared him. He slowly looked around, seeing all his roommates fast asleep, he checked the time, 1:30 AM. He sighed and slowly got up making sure not to make noise, he slowly ghostly walked to the bathroom, once he got inside, he locked the door. He stared at himself and sighed, he felt hot tears fall down his face as the voices got louder.


You really think they wanted to save you

They only did it because they need you to win

You are nothing to 'them'


"Shut up shut up shut up!", he whispered yelled.

No because you know I'm right

You are useless to them and your self



Izuku no longer heard the voice's, he looked down at the razor blade with blood on it and his arm had a long straight cut. He did it more and more and more, until he heard knocking at the door. He looked up with teary blood shot eyes and asked who it was.

" It's Kiri and the rest, are you ok in there, why are you awake and taking a while."

"Kirishima?", Izuku asked quietly.

" Yeah, it's me and the rest, can you open the door......please", Kirishima asked with a broken voice.

'He probably is getting an idea, I better hurry up and clean these and wrap them', Izuku thought as he was quick with the work.

"Y-yeah hold on", Izuku said and seconds later he opened the door only to be met with all his roommates.

"What's wrong guys?", Izuku asked.

" Why were you in there for so long we were worried", Shinsou had said.

" Ah, I woke up and couldn't sleep so I thought I would take a shower to clear the mind", Izuku lied with a smile.

" Then why isn't your hair wet and wearing the same clothes", Shoto asked.

" I-I wasn't thinking right and forgot to get a new set of clothes, silly me ahaha", Izuku said.

The only thing he received was a nod as he made his way to their room and closet to grab new clothes. Once he changed stepped back into the room, seeing all his roommates sitting on their own bed yet waiting for him to come out. Izuku checked the time once again, 2:35 AM, he was in there for a while. He made his way to his bed when Aizawa stopped him by speaking up once he noticed Izuku.

"Izuku, tell us really why you were in there for so long", Aizawa glared at Izuku as he asked demanding an answer in return.

" I-I already told you guys why", Izuku said trying to keep a smile on his face while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Cut the bullshit Izu and tell us why you were in there for so long", Sero said.

" We heard when you woke up and went off to the bathroom, trying not to cry", Dabi spoke up.

Izuku's breathing hitched as he heard Dabi say that.

' So, they did hear me oh no!', Izuku thought.

Shigaraki noticed Izuku not being able to breathe and quickly made his way towards him, hugging him and whispering sweet nothing's into his ear as the smaller started to cry, but not loud enough for others outside the room to hear. The other's looked sad and angry, sad because they are seeing Izuku break completely down and anger for not being there for him.

"I-I-I d-didn't mean to do i-it again, I tried I r-really tried, the v-voices got worse after I w-woke up from a n-nightmare", Izuku sobbed out as he held tightly onto Shigaraki. Shigaraki just continued to hug him tightly and whisper things to calm him down. Soon though he picked Izuku up and put him down on his bed while Shigaraki laid next to him holding him. Hawks sat behind Izuku and rubbed circles on his back, helping Shigaraki to calm Izuku down. Soon enough they heard soft snores instead of sobs, they noticed he cried himself to sleep. They all sighed and looked at Izuku sadly, silently promising to make his days better and help him from now on. Now that they know Izuku cut, they would have to throw away every razor they can find and look after the injuries Izuku inflicted on himself.

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