Chapter 1

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Another day at this living nightmare we call high school. I would of already dropped out of it wasn't for one person...

Chresanto August

The guy of my dreams. A sexy piece of caramel that could make anyone fall to their knees. Every girl wanted to be with him. Every boy wanted to be him. I on the other hand wanted to be his everything- his one and only.

But that could never happen. He's a jock who has strength, good looks, and smarts. Me, I'm just average.


I turn around to see my best friend Craig running my way yelling my name like the crazy man he might be.

"What were you thinking about so hard? Was it you know who?" He asked. He is the only person who knows about my crush-no obsession with Chres.

"I might of been." "Why are you even so obsessed with him? I don't know what you see in him. I would never work out anyway."

"And I don't see what you see in your obsession, Mr. Lopez" I knew I got him then because he started blushing. "Shut up" he said playfully punching me in the arm. "Anyway, are you going to that party on Friday?"

I thought about it "I might." "Dude you should totally go it would be another opportunity to actually talk to you know who" " I don't know I have a test to study for Monday."

But then again, I get to actually be close to Chresanto. "Fine, I'll go" Craig started screaming and jumping up and down. By now you should know, he's always the girl.

"Come on Jacob. We gotta get to first period."

Then, we went on to first period.

Kidnapped by the Love of My Life (Slow Updates)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz