Chapter 9

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"Where are you going, Daddy?" My son looks up, asking me. It feels like he's staring into my soul. About three months have passed since I came back home. Everything has been going smoothly so far- that is until....

"Daddy's going out," I told him as I shrugged on my coat. I just can't bring myself to tell him.

About three weeks ago, I started getting weird texts from an unknown number. They were all threatening to take CJ away unless I met them. They want me to meet them in a dark alleyway tonight at 10 sharp. I look down at the screen of my phone. "Fuck," I whispered to myself, "It's already 9:50"

I got on my knee to level with CJ. "Daddy's coming back. I promise " I gave him a kiss on the forehead and starting walking toward the door.

"Please come home safe," I heard him say before I closed the door.

I looked down at my phone again. 9:53 p.m. was illuminated on it's screen. I've got seven minutes to get there. I start sprinting down the street, hoping I can get there in time.

I ran about 2 block before turning off down a really dark alley. I take out my phone to check the time again- 9:59. Just as I was resting, a black van pulled up beside me. Three dark figures with masks hopped out of it and started approaching me.

" Who are you? What do you want?" I asked them, backing up slowly.

"You have something the boss wants back," the biggest one said, taking long strides towards me.

I kept backing up until I hit the wall. I'm in trouble.

"What?" I asked.

What could I possibly have that they want?

Sorry this took so long to come out. Two chapters left!

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