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Caught Inside of a Meteor


Once upon a time, there was a kings tailor. The kings tailor was a tall slender man with beautiful eyes, swift hands and the most kind soul. Growing up with the king, they grew so fond of each other. Telling each other everything, and often the tailor would talk on and on, about his own dream. The tailor would give anything for the woman of his dreams, he would go on and on about her and how much he would cherish her. The king would laugh and tell him about his own wife. That what the tailor wanted was silly but understandable. The king didn't know what he'd do without his queen. 

One day after making some new clothes and the king went home, The night fell silent. The wind stopped singing and all the woodland creatures vanished. Causing an eerie chill to fall upon the land. The tailor noticed the change in his surroundings. He felt it in every bone in his body. The cold steady night. 

The silence was cut by a big crash of a fist on the door. Huge bangs echoed around the small home. The tailor rushed over and swiftly opened the door. He was so utterly concerned, whatever it was- was very urgent. However, as the door creaked open, there stood a small woman, beautiful lush long black hair and the prettiest of peach skin. Though, she had only a small thin night gown on and was cold to the touch. "My goodness you are freezing!" he pushed the door all the way, "please come in!!" 

With a blank expression she entered looking around the room cautiously. Her moments, though hesitant, were elegant. She stared at the tailor that was in disbelief as he asked her question after question but would only shake her head yes and no. This only intrigued him more. He asked on and on but nothing. She only told him that this gown she wore, was her only article of clothing. He knew that must be changed. As he fitted her, he chatted though he knew she wouldn't say anything in return. He didn't care. He was enchanted by her. 

The tailor taking out his best garments made her the most gorgeous green dress in all the land with shiny golden tinsel threads and a small button on the back, a wooden button with a crow engraved top side of the button. She stared at herself in the dress, twirling and jumping. Her face radiating joy. A natural glow of the sun from her smile and with a hint of pink that fell lightly against her cheeks. 

"Thank you." She whispered. Then her smile faded. "I have nothing but what I came in, nothing to pay you with." 

He shook his head, "Keep it. You belong in it." 

Her joy returned, and that warmed a spot in his heart he thought to have never been touched. Though, before he knew it. She was gone. 

The next morning, he told the king all about her. The king only laughed. "What a waste of such a pretty color. Such a waste of fabric." He only laughed at the tailor. 

Then next night, felt just as silent as the last. Though things seemed to stay that way for a bit. In about a week's time another knock awoke him. He thought it to be her, rushing to her aid, but alas it was not. No, a short old woman with a shaky hand stared at him innocently. Her grey eyes, full of hope. "Could you help me?" 

His heart of gold, nodded and stepped aside. Letting the elder in. She carried a long stick with her that hung all types of silly nick knacks and dried food. She leaned it against the table she walked up to, and placed a thin night gown on the table. "This was my late daughter's, she passed away and I don't have the strongest fingers anymore." Holding up the bottom of the night gown, showed a huge cut along the dress. "I have only but my word to pay you with though sir" She said sadly. 

"No ma'am, you have the time you been on this earth and the hardships you've seen to pay me back with, I will only ask of how she passed, but even that you don't owe me." He said taking hold of the dress. He began his work and she was shocked by his answer. 

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