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After all this time, it's like no time has passed at all. 

The voice, the face, the love.. it's all the same. 

It was cold, for an eon without you. I still remember the sting of every snowflake as the normal perception and beauty of winter was ripped from me. The lake I envisioned we'd reside by in our future froze over and left the memories we made, silenced with the echo of harsh wind. The land froze in time. Powdery fluff suffocated the cabin in a thick blanket. Blades of green grass gone grey, with the animals hibernating until they were released from life's grasp. Time would only tell in surviving this polar vortex. 

Time had been cruel to me, I could only imagine how it treated you. I wasn't there. To protect you, I loathed myself for each minute I was absent. I learned to live with the grey sky. Cope. Keep the picture of you in my head as a painful reminder of the greatest thing that ever happened. The endless nights of crickets and fireflies. The feeling of endless bliss. A faded rainbow.

On a dime though, the wind's voice got caught in its throat.  IT, had been silenced. 

The animals yawned.

The lake had thawed.

The sky had opened up and I could feel it. 


A warmth like no other. 

The sunshine, My sunshine. With every smile, a beam of light would melt the frigid fields. I would look out into nothingness and see. Everything becomes just as clear as before. Just as real, as I could recall. This time, though. I know more, I feel more,  I am more. For you. 

No longer a lonely soldier ready to defend but a knight with every fiber of me on fire. Ready to fight, ready to hold this spot. Ready to keep it. 

Ready to keep you.

Brain GlumpWhere stories live. Discover now