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Inside the Eye


You can still be, who you want to. I believe in you, you'll do great things. All the things I wish I could tell you, the illiterate rambling I say to myself while no one is around. The things I rehearse to myself, when You inevitably leave me. When the you now, the you the world corrupted, pushes me all the way- away. You can still be who you wanted to be when we first met. You still are, parts of you flicker in and out. That scared little boy that hides behind your legs. His eyes are still so full of wonder. Yet you stand front and center. His protector. You know what's best, you are his father because his father wasn't there. 

I remember seeing him, as I sat next to you. When I ran my fingers through your hair. We smiled. We laughed. He was there and so you got scared. You'd push the body you inhabit away and protected. That little boy, peaking out. You would reject my affection, while he clunged onto it. How I miss his carefree smile. His willingness, his shine. Sometimes, I still hear him inside of your voice. But you learned to survive. I don't blame you. I did too. 

Sometimes, I can even see us still. 

Open your eyes, too.


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