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Brendon's mouth. God. The kid's got these amazing, plump lips that Ryan just wants to suck, lick, bite, and be attached to non-stop. Those lips are perfect for blowjobs, and when that happens, Ryan will hold Brendon's hand – or the back of his head, actually – and show Brendon how he can pleasure Ryan with that untrained, virginal mouth of his.

Fuck. He's totally getting a boner just thinking about it.

Where is Brendon, anyway? Ryan hasn't made out with him in, like, an hour. He's starting to suffer from withdrawal. He has needs.

Ryan does a quick scan around the house to find Brendon in the kitchen washing the dishes. He quietly stops in the doorway to admire Brendon's ass – he'll get there soon, that's for sure – and then he slowly sneaks up behind the kid. Brendon's humming under his breath, hands in soapy water. After the discovery of food in the basement, though Brendon still doesn't know it was a discovery, they've been able to eat more again. The food will now last them at least for another week, though Ryan isn't keeping tabs. Who cares when there's a willing virgin around?

Ryan walks behind Brendon, sliding an arm around the kid's waist and pushing himself flat against his back. Brendon jumps and his breathing hitches. Ryan leans to his ear. "Hi."

"Ryan..." Brendon mumbles, sounding abashed. The kid still gets flustered whenever Ryan initiates something – it's always him, never Brendon, but the kid certainly never objects.

"Whatcha doing, baby?" he asks, moving to nip on Brendon's earlobe. Hmm... tasty.

Brendon squirms in his arms, breaths instantly slightly irregular. "Washing the dishes."

"We kidnapped the best boy in Resurrection."

"I'm nothing special," Brendon mumbles, but Ryan is wholly focused on the way his fingers have found the slice of bare skin between Brendon's pants and Spencer's old, white t-shirt. The skin is so soft and warm that Ryan just wants to spin Brendon around, sink to his knees and kiss and lick at it.

"Hmm," he hums, pressing his nose to Brendon's neck and inhaling. The boy smells so goddamn divine – all innocence and overwhelming temptation. "Come here, fuck," he says, giving in. He spins Brendon around easily, trapping him between the counter and himself. Brendon's soapy hands are dripping water as he holds them up, but Ryan couldn't care less if they get messy. Instead he attacks Brendon's mouth, pulling on the plump bottom lip that's at his disposal. Brendon responds instantly, a small whine erupting at the back of his throat.

Brendon's a quick learner. He's not the master of kissing like Ryan is, but Brendon's gotten really damn good in a really short time, and it's driving Ryan insane. He fully plans on them going all the way today, though Brendon doesn't know that yet.

When they pull back for air, Brendon's eyes are shining, his mouth is red and swollen, and his cheeks are flushed. Ryan's pleased with his accomplishments.

"Done with the dishes yet?" he asks huskily. They should take this upstairs to his bed where he will teach Brendon what it means to pleasure someone.

"Almost. If you just give me a minute."

"Of course."

Bullshit. He's impatient as fuck, but Brendon gives him a radiating smile, and Ryan's so got this one in the bag. He'll get to fuck a virgin. He has never slept with a virgin. God, it's the happiest day of his life.

He steps back and leans against the kitchen table, admiring Brendon's young and lean form as the kid hurries to wash the rest of the dishes. "So, um," Brendon says after a while, "I've been wondering if we... you know. If now that we're, um, now that we've kissed and everything..."

"Yeah?" he asks, intrigued. Has Brendon been thinking what he's been thinking? God, he hopes so.

"Well, I- I've heard that you can seal, um, agreements with a kiss and since we, we've done that –"

"Again and again."

Brendon looks over his shoulder, giving him a shy, but warm smile. "Yeah. So, um. I just wondered if this means that I'm... betrothed to you."

Ryan frowns. Not what he was expecting. Brendon is staring at him, eyes wide but clearly very hopeful, so he says, "Oh. Um. Sure. Yeah, it totally means that."

"It does?" Brendon rushes out, face lighting up. Wow. Ryan thought that he has seen Brendon happy, but this is a whole new level of happiness.

He simply nods, and Brendon forgets the dishes instantly, rushing over and throwing his arms around him. The hug is nearly crushing, but Ryan moves to hug back since it's what Brendon wants. And then Brendon is kissing him, hungry and energetic, and fuck. Ryan likes this new Brendon.

"For god's sake," Spencer's voice comes, sounding displeased, and they break apart with a wet pop. Spencer's staring at them sourly from the doorway. No wonder he's jealous – Ryan will totally bone a virgin, going where no man has gone before, making Brendon's body tremble and shake as the boy cries out loud in ecstasy, and he will be the very first one to do every dirty thing known to man with him.

Brendon clutches Ryan's hand and nearly jumps up and down in place. "Spencer! It's official! Ryan just confirmed it!"

"Confirmed what?"

"The betrothal!" Brendon almost squeals. "Oh, where's Jon? I need to tell him too!"

Brendon gives Ryan a loving look and rushes out. Ryan tries not to grin too smugly. He's totally the man.

Spencer looks after Brendon before turning to him. "What's a betrothal?"

Ryan snorts. "Fuck me if I know. Some kind of country slang. Did you see how horny it made him, though?"

Spencer sighs dramatically and shakes his head. Oh, yeah, trust Spencer to rain on his parade. But Ryan doesn't have time to think about what Spencer is feeling because this is probably the horniest that Brendon has ever been, and Ryan has to take his chance before Brendon cools off.

"Brendon? Brendon!" Ryan calls out, causing Spencer to roll his eyes. Brendon reappears in the doorway, still as excited as he was seconds before.

"I can't find Jon. Spencer, do you know where he is? I want to give him the good news!" the kid beams, and Spencer scratches the back of his neck, shrugging.

"Bren, baby," Ryan rushes out, grabbing Brendon by the hand. "Why don't we go upstairs?"

He catches Spencer rolling his eyes again, but he couldn't care less. Instead, he gives Spencer a grin that says, 'See? All mine.'

"But I'm so happy! I want to share this with everyone! You know what? I could bake a cake! We should celebrate! I know a recipe, it doesn't need lots of ingredients, just flour and –"

"What a great idea you've got! Yeah! We should totally celebrate, but together. And alone, you know?"

Brendon gives him a dreamy smile. "We'll do what you want. It's your betrothal too," he adds dreamily. Seriously, 'betrothal' is the magic word right now. Brendon turns to Spencer, still beaming. "Tell Jon when you see him? Please?"

Spencer just stares at Brendon, clearly puzzled by his enthusiasm. "Sure."

"Awesome! You're the best, Spence!"

Brendon jumps on Spencer, hugging him tightly, and what the fuck? Ryan is the one who should be getting humped right now, not Spencer, who thankfully stays still, sending him a horrified look. Ryan takes Brendon by the hand again, dragging him upstairs because whatever they've agreed upon, there is only one way they can celebrate it: fucking.

Brendon follows him, jumping step after step. It's not like the kid was going to put up much resistance when Ryan was on offer. Ryan doubts anyone could ever resist such a great invitation.

He opens the door to Brendon's room, gently pulling Brendon inside after him and promptly closing the door. Brendon's room is more comfortable than his own since the guy is a neat freak and every little thing is in its place and the bed is always perfectly made. Ryan wants to make a mess, and his own room is the wrong place for that.

He presses Brendon against the door, attaching their lips together. Brendon is all for it, wrapping arms around him and kissing him back wantonly. Brendon's enthusiasm goes straight to his cock, but he tries to fight off his hormones as much as Brendon's tongue lets him. If it were up to him, he'd fuck Brendon's brains out quick and hard, just to get rid of the sexual frustration that is turning his balls blue. But this is Brendon, a virgin, and you never get one of those. Ryan has just one chance to fuck a virgin ass, and he can't let it last less than five minutes. For the first time in his life, he needs to turn on his self-control – he hopes he has some – but that's fine with him since it's for a good cause.

He leads Brendon further into the room without stopping the wet kiss, and he manages to get them on the bed with Brendon beneath him, which is just how he wants it. Brendon breaks the kiss, hair disheveled and eyes wide. "We are betrothed to each other!" he exclaims excitedly.

Ryan copies his smile, saying "I know!" and dips down to push his tongue inside Brendon's mouth. Brendon moans slightly and fists the back of his shirt, squirming beneath him very promisingly. Brendon's fingers move down and end up brushing the top of his pants, and fuck, there are too many clothes in the way. They need to get naked, but if they rush it, it'll be over too soon.

Self-control. Self-control or he's going to come as soon as he gets inside the guy, and goodbye virgin ass. He tries to slow down his movements. He can deal with this – they have made out heatedly for hours before, and he got hard most of those times, but his dick hasn't exploded so far. Of course, Brendon was never this enthusiastic then, and they were never about to have sex... Fuck. Brendon is moaning, and Ryan's cock twitches. He pulls back just to get some air. Brendon is flushed, hair sticking out in all different directions and lips perfectly swollen. When added up, they give Brendon the best sex look of all time.

He hopes Brendon will cry out so loud that the entire house hears how Ryan's the one who got there first. Spencer especially since he doubts Jon cares. But Spencer definitely should hear.

"Just so you know," he says huskily, placing a hungry kiss to the kid's lips, "you've landed the best guy in the house."

Brendon looks confused at first, but then his expression brightens and he laughs. "Are you jealous?"

"What? No. Of course not."

"Of Spencer?"

He scoffs. "So am not."

Ryan is never going to be jealous of Spencer. Spencer has nothing that Ryan could ever want, but he certainly doesn't want Spencer stealing any of his thunder. 'You're the best, Spence!' Yeah, since when? Ryan's the one who's about to make Brendon feel like he's been reborn into a world of mind-blowing, intense sexual pleasure.

Brendon presses his lips against Ryan's and then mutters, "You know you're the only one, Ryan. You should never be jealous. I'd never be unfaithful to you."

That's good to know. While they are in this house, Brendon is his designated fuck buddy, and Jon and Spencer are not invited to the party.

"All mine," Ryan grins, thinking of all the glorious, dirty, dirty things they can do before they leave this place and Ryan finds a new piece of glorious boy ass.

"All yours," Brendon replies, and they resume kissing.

Suddenly, Ryan feels more relaxed. The first fuck can now be shorter than he wanted because there are definitely retakes in their near future. And even when things have changed, he will still always be the guy who fucked Brendon before anyone else. Poor Brendon, really. Ryan's going to ruin other men for him because once you've had a taste of Ryan Ross, nothing else will do.

Brendon's tongue hungrily explores his mouth, hands running all over his back. Unsurprisingly, Ryan gets even more aroused, but now he doesn't try stopping himself. If they are going to fuck, his cock needs to be in prime condition and hard as a rock, which really is never a problem, and they can always skip the foreplay since days of making out has been more than enough.

Ryan presses his hard-on against Brendon by pushing his hips down, making Brendon stir under his weight, which he barely notices since his brain is melting from the friction. A soft, choked moan escapes from Brendon's mouth, and when Ryan rubs his hips against Brendon's once again with more force, he feels that Brendon is hard as well. God, yes.

"Ryan," Brendon breathes out.

Ryan hushes him. "You're doing great, baby," he murmurs in between a dirty kiss. He'll talk Brendon through this. He wants to.

Ryan pushes his hands under Brendon's shirt, softly brushing over the hot skin of Brendon's ribs and, just like that, he gets a brilliant idea. They could totally dry hump first, and once he's come, it will take the edge off and they can fuck for longer. It's not like he won't be able to fuck twice in a row since he can fuck repeatedly. It would be awesome to show Brendon his great stamina – it's something he's rather proud of.

He sets up a rhythm, brushing their hard cocks together. It's a shame that they're wearing clothes, but it's okay. The friction is amazing, much better than kissing – even if they haven't stopped attacking each other's mouths for one second – and it's definitely a great way to acclimate themselves for the sex.

"Ryan," Brendon calls out again, warningly.

He presses himself harder against Brendon, rubbing them together for more friction. He can feel his orgasm building up already, just a few minutes of this and he'll get off, and Brendon is moaning, which only makes it even better. The kid's totally going to get off on this too. Brendon tries to say something, but Ryan just goes for his mouth, silencing him.

Brendon breaks the kiss abruptly. "Ryan, please!" he says, sounding annoyed and pushing him off.

Ryan falls on the mattress by Brendon's side, trying to organize his thoughts as Brendon inches away from him, trying to flatten his hair. What the fuck just happened? Why is Brendon so far away from his rock hard cock when things were getting good? Is Brendon even upset about this horrible turn of events? It's not like Ryan was the only one who was hard!

"Bren- What the fuck?!"

Brendon looks a bit angry. "I told you to stop, but you weren't even listening to me!"

There's something wrong here and Ryan just can't figure out what the fuck it is. Brendon was moaning so he wants this as much as he does. Why the hell did they have to stop? And since when is a horny sounding 'Ryan' the same as 'Please stop this amazing dry hump session'?

"Listening? What for?!" he demands to know, scandalized.

The younger man sits up straight on the mattress. The bulge in Brendon's pants catches Ryan's eyes, and Ryan wants to die. There's a nice, hard dick hidden in there, and Brendon could be coming right now. Hell, him too, and they would both be happier for it!

"It's okay if we kiss and stuff but this... We can't do this now," Brendon explains as if he was saying the most obvious thing in the world. "We have to wait until our special night."

Ryan's mind is spinning, incapable of understanding. What special night? Why not now? And 'wait'? What for? He doesn't want to wait. He can't wait anymore. "This could be our special night!" he argues desperately, feeling horror setting in. Is he not going to get laid? "Is it because the sun is still up? We can cover the windows!" he offers instantly.

Brendon laughs, apparently genuinely amused, and Ryan would love to know what's so funny about not getting laid when he's so fucking hard. "You're silly sometimes!" Brendon smiles and, just like that, gets off the bed, heading to the door.

"Where are you going?!" Ryan whines, panicked. Brendon can't go. No, that's not the plan. They're betrothed or whatever, it made Brendon so horny, and now he's being a tease. This is a whole new form of torture.

"I better go to the bathroom to freshen myself up a little," Brendon tells him with a smile, and his eyes are still smiling like Ryan's the most amazing man ever, which he is, so why isn't his cock buried in Brendon's ass? Brendon can't go get rid of his boner with a cold bath or whatever he plans when he should let Ryan rub their flushed dicks together until they come on each other's stomachs. He doesn't want to jerk off again, his wrist is already sore from the constant masturbation he has been forced to live with and –

Brendon leaves.

Ryan stares at the now closed door, feeling his insides sink.

What a fucking cock tease.

Ryan was not joking. He's damn serious about getting laid, and now he's fucking pissed off. He has to jerk off constantly thanks to Brendon's unceasing teasing. Is this some kind of a joke? Brendon probably doesn't even know what teasing is, but any guy should realize that you can't suck the face of another guy like that and expect nothing to happen next.

His hand hurts, and he's not going to take care of his problem on his own for the hundredth time because of Brendon. Even if he is extremely skilled with his hands, his cock deserves more than self-treatment.

He gets up, wanting to find Spencer. He needs to release his frustration somehow – not sexually with Spencer of course, that would be way too awkward – but he needs to rant. No matter how many disapproving glances Spencer has sent him, Spencer will surely agree that he has the right to be pissed off when he tells him what just happened.

Ryan wanders around the house, avoiding the bathroom at all cost. He won't fall into Brendon's trap again. Well, at least not right now because he's pissed off and if he went in there, he'd have to take Brendon. He wouldn't care about this 'special night' because you can only tease a man so much before that man has the right to have his way with you. Everyone in gangs knows that. But Brendon doesn't even deserve to have him right now because that? That whole walking away thing? Totally uncalled for.

His erection hurts as he walks, and he starts cursing Spencer for not being anywhere.

It hits him that Spencer is, of course, in the shed, fixing up that stupid bike of his, so he heads outside, already preparing his speech in his head. God, he wants to share his misery.

But when he enters the shed, Spencer is nowhere to be found. Instead, Jon is standing by the table. He should know where Spencer is because they're best friends now! Screw them too.

"Hey, Jon," he says, walking towards him. Jon looks up, just greeting him with a movement of his head, and then he goes back to whatever he's doing – studying his fingernails, apparently. Jon's clearly a talker; Ryan will never understand how Spencer puts up with this guy. Spencer probably has no choice because he can't exactly upset Fifty-Two Walker. "Have you seen Spencer?"

Jon glances at him once. "No."


He notices that Jon is actually working on something, and he gets curious, so he walks over. He sees a bunch of rusty bike parts spread over the table. Jon is brushing tiny nuts and bolts with a metal brush.

"What you doing there?"

"Cleaning these? They're rusty," Jon says flatly without even looking at him.

No shit. Ryan obviously got that part. He wants to know why Jon is taking part in Spencer's project. He keeps staring at Jon's fingers... He's got nice fingers. Not too long, not too short but definitely thick and, fuck, they look like they were made for fingering. It's one of Ryan's kinks. Well, every kink is his kink, but he especially loves getting fingered.

Ryan bites on his lower lip in light of this new, promising situation. They could fuck. Jon is a creep, sure, but he doesn't look that bad. Brendon looks better, but Ryan is in no position to be picky. He is desperate as a matter of fact, and Jon might be in the same situation since no one in the house has been getting laid. He doesn't even know if Jon was getting some back in The Snakes, but sex most certainly stopped when they ran away. And Jon might not even be into men, but Ryan's converted plenty of straight guys before. Really, how could Jon say no? Jon doesn't look like he takes cock though Ryan was kind of expecting to fuck some ass, but he won't complain if he's the one who gets fucked. Anything that involves coming with the help of another human being is fine with him. And even if Jon likes women, an ass is still an ass and being horny works the same way for everyone.

Ryan wouldn't mind doing Jon a favor.

"So..." he says, leaning against the table and closer to Jon.

Jon finally looks up, and Ryan runs his tongue over his lower lip, putting on his best sex face so that Jon can admire him. That never fails. Ryan's a damn sexy fucker.


Ryan rolls his eyes. Does Jon's brain even work? Brendon won't fall into his charms so easily, but that's because Brendon has no idea what sex is and what he's missing out on. But Jon? Come on. Jon knows.

Ryan clearly has to be blunter.

He moves all the shit that Jon was working on to the side and sits on the table, moving across it to sit right in front of Jon, who keeps staring at him with the same blank expression. God, getting fucked on the table would be so good.

"I was thinking... Have you been feeling lonely?"

Jon narrows his eyes slightly. Maybe he's finally getting the hint? Ryan doesn't know for sure because Jon remains silent. His gaze is very intense, though, probably undressing Ryan with his eyes – that's what all the guys do. Ryan's hot, smooth skin all over, tall and lean and firm. He's practically a walking wet dream.

He gets tired of the lack of initiative that Jon is showing. He's not going to beg to get fucked, people beg Ryan to fuck them. Jon needs him to show initiative? He will provide it, so he fists Jon's shirt, pulls him in and wraps his legs around Jon's middle and his arms around Jon's neck. He presses their mouths together hungrily.

Against all his predictions, Jon is not kissing back. Is Jon even trying to push him away? No, that's absurd. He won't be rejected, and it's not like Jon is going to get mad. Ryan just has to get him hard, and then Jon will be thanking him. He fists Jon's hair and brings him closer. "Come on, Jon, it'll be worth your time," he promises against Jon's lips, horny out of his mind. "Just –"

"What the fuck is going on?!"

Spencer's voice catches Ryan off guard, but before he even knows what's happening, Jon pushes him away with such force that he ends up losing his balance and he falls off the table and onto the floor with a loud crash. He blinks at the metal ceiling of the shed.

For fuck's sake. This has got to be the worst day ever.

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