Requested: ~A Snow Day~ Gold Watcher's x reader

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Winter Storm Ambience
By: Relaxing Soundzzz


Y/n's P.O.V/Narrator's P.O.V

It was a surprise, that's for sure. It had snowed in the Deadly Decadence realm and everyone was amazed. "It's been a long time since I've seen this." Judas muttered, opening the front doors and stepping outside to watch the snowflakes fall. Sadly the sun never shined here, but it didn't stop the statues joy from seeing such a thing again. Y/n smiled and stood beside the leader whose eyes grazed over the hedge maze. "I do not know what to say... I am-" Before Judas could finish his sentence, Haytham sprinted past him and into the hedge maze. You could hear his excited yells even if you were still in the manor. Judas shook his head with a smile on his face. "I best follow him before he ends up hurting himself." Judas jogged down the few steps and into the hedge maze to go after Haytham. Y/n sighed, putting their crossed arms against the stone railing of the stairs and looking out to the hedge maze.

"I thought I told him to wait for me."
"Perhaps you were too slow with that limp of yours."
"Alright then Frenchy, then tell me, has your country ever experienced the beauty and coldness of snow?"
"That's what I thought."
"I'm pretty sure it did snow in France, but that could be just me."

Y/n turned around to see Hedwig, Pierre, and General Verlice all exiting the manor. The British General gave Y/n a curt nod before going down to the hedge maze to follow Judas and Haytham - Hedwig doing the same. But Pierre stayed by Y/n's side. There was a moment of silence before Pierre spoke. "You know, back when I was an Assassin for the King and Queen of France, I never really had the time or feeling of enjoyment when seeing the snow." The French man admitted with a guilty tone. "An Assassin? Is that the explanation as to why you're so damn quiet?" Pierre gave Y/n a sly smirk. "Perhaps..." He said slowly, adjusting his tricorn hat. "What a surprise seeing that you're out here, Pierre." Another voice sounded from behind the two. It was Shay and Heinrich. The French man and German man glared at each other. Heinrich's glare softened when his attention turned towards Y/n. "Where are the others?" Shay blurted out.

"I assume they would be out of the hedge maze by now and out in the garden area." Pierre pointed behind him with his thumb. "Not quite." Shay pointed with a 'trying not to laugh' smirk on his face as Hugo, Judas, Haytham, and Hedwig marched up the stairs. All of them are decently covered in snow. "Damn you, Haytham." Hedwig muttered as he stomped inside the manor, leaving his still smiling brother behind. Hugo patted Haytham's shoulder, giving him a warm smile. "Let's get you inside before your hands grow ice on them." The General jokingly said as he followed the cheerful Haytham inside the manor. Pierre followed behind. Y/n turned to look at Judas who was dusting the snow off of his red coat. She/he held in their laughter before Judas looked up at them with one of his rare smiles. "It's hard to keep up with Haytham sometimes." He admitted, fixing up the tricorn hat on his head before gently taking Y/n's hand.

"We should probably head indoors before Haytham decides to drink all the tea we have left."

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