Requested: ~Spring~ Gold Watchers Headcannons

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Look at that! All seasons complete!

We know who the other characters mentioned belong to. If you don't, GET A GRIP-


Hedwig Bishop:

- Isn't exactly a fan

- There's a lot of changes happening with the weather, so his bad leg will be an issue

- And spring allergies are the worst for him

- You've heard and seen him cry and have a breakdown about the allergies a few times

"This is bullshit! Why do I always have to- *starts crying*"

- Forgets that Easter exists

- Does NOT act his age when the kids are having an Easter egg hunt

"Hedwig! You can't point out the eggs to the kids! Let them have their fun!"
"Kids are stupid! I'm making this go by quick! We all weren't smart growing up! I mean, look at how Alex turned out! I raised him right."
"You didn't raise him at all.. and what does that have to do with anything?

"Aww! Did you see the post Benjamin made on Facebook of Maude and Diana?"
"No. I blocked him on Facebook just for that reason."
"That's mean. I'm sure Ben would like to see the things you post on Facebook of the girls."
"*Remembering the time at the trampoline park* Probably not..."

Haytham Bishop:

- Easter cooking dinner is on!!

"Who's buying what for the dinner?"
"Me and James already bought stuff, and we're cooking at his place. He said it'll be easier and faster because he got a new oven. And it's electric!"

- He doesn't get spring allergies, but when you do, you will be getting a shit ton of chicken noodle soup

- He decorates the house too with small things

- Is very happy when Alexander and Marie come around for the dinner

"Oh yeah, I remember when me and Hedwig watched you both. Very fun times! The bakery especially loved your help, Marie."

- If he doesn't see anyone leaving with leftovers, there is gonna be a problem

Heinrich von Durchdenwald The III:

- Everyone isn't too happy having to come over to his mansion in Germany just to celebrate (when he's busy and can't travel around)

- Easter is actually a German holiday! According to the tale, the Easter bunny first arrived in America in the 1700s with German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania and laid their colourful eggs around

- If you ask him, he will make you Easter themed clothes, a place cloth for the dinner table, etc

- Sorry to say it, but you will be the one making all the food. But hey, not all of it is German themed food this time!

- He's good at painting eggs and doing very detailed designs on them

"Mein Niesen ist außer Kontrolle (My sneezing is out of control)."

- Yes, he does get his spring allergies

- In May he starts working on the gardens

- Sometimes he'll be away from home since people will pay him to do their yardwork, like mowing the lawn

- But Easter is a fun time with the tall German!

Judas Wolfgang:

- Barely gets spring allergies

- Absolutely hates Easter and ruins it for everyone

- Which results in him eating alone at 10pm when all the guests have left

"It's not like it's a challenge for you to be to nice to people."
"Some people are just stupid. Look at the Bishop's for example."

- Wants and has nothing to do with it.. sorry

"*Sees you sick* Hmm.. this looks like a you problem. Anyways I'm heading to work. I'll be back by 9, so make sure my dinner is left out, but not cold."
"The audacity you have..."

Pierre Lefevre:

- He's the one that hides all the eggs for the kids

"Je passe un moment merveuilleux (I'm having a wonderful time)!"

- He doesn't get any spring allergies

-  Doesn't do anything when your allergies come in

- Definitely the type to show up late to the dinner

"Did you know that in France we traditionally eat lamb?"
"Aww.. lamb are so cute!"
"It's going to be in our stomach's so be prepared."

- He doesn't even know how to cook the lamb, so you'll be the one doing it

- *Female reader*
"Pierre, I don't know what I'm doing! Can you help me?"
"You're the woman, you know how to cook, clean, and do all that! Figure it out!"

General Verlice:

- This elementary school teacher typically enjoys the holiday

"Did you ever do anything with Lucille on Easter?"
"Since the weather is the worst around the spring in England, we would usually go to the nearby woods and lazy stream, near the school, and pick fresh herbs and flowers. I always found the nicest flowers. And by the time we'd get back home, Lucille would lie straight to her mother's face, right in front of me, and tell her how she found the flowers."
"Aww! Did you ever say anything?"
"No. I went along with it. I didn't want to embarrass her. The kids at the school always did the exact same thing with me too..."

- Of course, since he didn't have the greatest childhood growing up, he didn't get to celebrate holidays like Easter. And he also doesn't celebrate it in the religious way since he isn't religious

- He actually enjoys doing pottery during this time

- So he'll teach you that instead!

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