World's Greatest Hellhole

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I walked into the hallway to find my locker and I felt everyone's eyes on me. It's probably because they're judging me, but I don't even care anymore. I finally reached my locker and I grabbed my books. But before I could do anything else, I heard POKIMANE appear behind me.

"Look who it is, it's the loser in the lame shirt!" everyone started laughing at me. Then, she shoved me into my locker and slammed the door. I heard the bell ring, and a lot of footsteps going into the classrooms. But, I heard footsteps walking closer to me. The door opened, and I saw the person I would have never expected to see ever.


"Hey," Dream said with a smirk, "I see you got stuck," He chuckled, "let me help you!" Suddenly, he grabbed me by my waist and put me down. Then, his friends, Wilbur, George, Sapnap, and Quackity appeared right behind him, smirking. I mumbled a quick thanks and I ran over to my next class, because I was already 10 minutes late.

"Y/N! Where have you been??!" The familiar voice of Mrs. Pattinson rang in my ears. "M-m-ma'am, I-" But, before I could say anything else, Pokimane spoke up "Actually, Mrs. Pattinson, I saw her smoking in the bathroom a few minutes before the bell rang!"

"Oh my heavens! Y/n! Young lady! I would have never expected this kind of behavior from you! Detention after school in class 205!" She glared at me and she started writing something on a piece of paper. She handed it to me and I sat down in the very back of the classroom, next to the window.

I never really paid attention in her class, so I just pulled out my book and my headphones, and started listening to my playlist.

Once class was over, it was time for lunch. I sat down at a table far from everyone else. No one ever bothered me there. I looked at the piece of paper that Mrs. Pattinson gave me, and it said :

Detention for the entire week after school for being late and smoking on school grounds.

I sighed loudly, but before I could think about anything else, I heard Dream yelling angrily to his friends, "Mr. Smith is such a dick! I mean we were literally only skipping math class! Nobody even likes math!!" I jumped slightly at the volume of his voice, "And now we have detention for the entire week!"

On the bright side, I had to spend my week's detention with my crush, and I get to gaze into his beautiful emerald green eyes for 3 hours a day. Anyway, I didn't have lunch today, like usual, my uncle doesn't usually keep food in the house, not for me, anyway......

The bell rung and it was time for my history class, with Mr. Miller. History is my favorite class, I always participate in this class. And, it's one of the only classes I have with Dream. I also love our history teacher, Mr. Miller, he's so cool and nice. He always chooses me to go up to the board first.

Anyway, it was the best class I had today, I participated a bunch, and I also got to be partners with Dream for a project. We have to make a slideshow on the American Revolution and present it in front of the class. We're presenting Wednesday, and I'm really excited.

The bell rung again, and it was time for P.E, my least favorite class of all time. But, from what I can tell P.E is Dream's all time favorite class. He also looks really handsome when he's sweating.

Today, we did dodgeball and I was with Dream, George, Wilbur, Sapnap, and Quackity. On the other team, there was Pokimane, and her 5 friends; Nihachu, Sarah, Molly, Rebecca, and Lana. We were beating them and only Pokimane and Nihachu were left. And on our team, there was me, Dream, and Quackity.

All of a sudden, Pokimane threw a dodgeball right into my face. My nose started bleeding and it got all over my P.E uniform. I started falling, but before I could, a pair of strong hands grabbed me by my waist. I felt very dizzy, but I could hear him yelling, "Oh my god! What the hell, Pokimane?!" He yelled angrily. "Mr. Johnson, can I take Y/n to the nurse?!" I couldn't hear anything else because I sort of passed out. But, when I came back to my senses, Dream was carrying me bridal style through the hallway.

End of Chapter 2

Thank you so much for all the support I have received! I love you guys so much! <3

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