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"I'm hungry

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"I'm hungry." I groaned as Jordan wrapped his arms tighter around my body. After meeting with Spencer last night we successfully talked Darnell into staying and when I got back home me and Jordan continued where we left off. "You can wait five more minutes." He mumbled into my shoulder as I tried to get up but he was must stronger than me "Fine." I sighed in defeat as I leaned back into my pillow.

It was currently like 2pm and seems we had the house to ourselves we had the option to lay in bed all day but now I was getting hungry.
My eyes landed on a glass of water that was laying on my night stand, a evil smirk snuck onto my lips as I reached my arm out the grab it.
"Times up." I spoke as I tipped the glass over his head, letting the remaining water pour onto him
"Seriously!?" He questioned as he quickly jumped into a sitting position, running a hand through his hair.

"Thanks." I smiled as I pushed myself up from the bed which made him groan "I'm going to kill you." He pointed at me as I pulled his shirt over my head "Gotta catch me first." The smile didn't leave my face as I ran out the my bedroom and around the house. Due to my house not being anything like the Bakers we basically ran in circles until his arms wrapped around me in the kitchen "You can't kill me, I'm the only one that knows how to cook." I pointed out which just made him roll my eyes before he leaned in and kissed me while pulling me up to sit on the kitchen counter.

"Happy six months!" He blurted as if he just remembered what today was "Mm half a year." I pointed out as my eyes silently widened while I wrapped my arms around his shoulder. It was crazy to realize that's it's already been six months since the move to Beverly and since I started dating Jordan. It felt so much longer but also so much shorter than six months.

"I have to go for a little bit but I'll be back later." He spoke up as he planted a chick kiss on my lips
"You have to go?" I questioned as I jumped off of the counter, it was the weekend so I knew it most likely didn't have anything to do with football.
"Yeah but only for like an hour." He pointed out which made me hum in response as I turned to the stove, setting a pan on it. It was weird that he wasn't explaining where he was going or who he was going with.

"I'll be back before breakfast is done I promise." He spoke as he leaned into me from behind, setting a kiss on my neck "Well I sure hope so.. seems I was trying to be nice and make you an anniversary breakfast." I mumbled which just made him chuckle, why? I don't know. "I need my shirt back." He pointed out as he slid his hands underneath it, pulling it over my head, leaving me in my bra before he left.

Even though it was already late in the day I was in the mood to make breakfast so that's what I did. Pancakes, bacon, toast and fruit. It was probably to much for just the two of us but I don't really care. If I'm stress cooking then I cook a lot and right now I was stress cooking. I trust Jordan don't get me wrong but I just had this weird gut feeling and the fact he was being so secretive about where he was going really threw me off.

He said he'd be back before the food was done but he wasn't. It hadn't been done long though, just long enough for me to place it nicely around the kitchen table. As I tapped my fingers nervously onto the kitchen table I couldn't help but stare down at my phone with the thoughts of checking Jordan's location. We still shared it from forever ago. Screw it.

As I reached for my phone I heard the front door swing open "Jordan?" I questioned loudly "Yeah it's me." He responded before walking into the kitchen, a sigh of relief immediately leaving my lips as my eyes landed on him. "I hate you." I groaned as I swung my head back while he scrunched up his face "Okay... not what I was expecting." As he stood in the in front of me very confused I couldn't help but let a smile take over my face as I looked between the gift box in one of his hands to his other hand which was holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I thought you were cheating on me or something!" I confessed as I quickly walked around the counter "Wha- why- why would you think that?" He nervously chuckled as he placed the gifts down "Um because you didn't tell me where you were going." I pointed out before turning away from him and towards the gift box "Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything." I frowned as I turned towards him

"Well... if I'm being honest liv kind of made the box so..." he trailed off as I opened the box, it was one of those Pinterest box's that had a bunch of little nicknacks in it with pictures of us around the outside, Olivia was written all over it but it was still so cute and thoughtful. "I know six months isn't really that big of a deal but I know it is to you so I wanted to make it special." He explained as he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Six months was the longest relationship I've been in. I only dated Chris for a little over a month and besides that all I've had was hookups. So no it wasn't years or anything but it was important to me. "I love you so much Jordan Baker." I smiled as I stood up and turned to face him, sliding his hands from my waist to my hands. "I Love you too." His smile widened as he leaned down and placed a soft gentle kiss on my lips

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