The funeral part one.

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"Angel." Liv breathed out as she jumped up from her bed, quickly moving to wrap her arms around me. "Hey." I mumbled back as she pulled away.
"I wanted to come see you but my parents said you wanted to be alone." She explained as we both sat on the edge of her bed. "Yeah, I did." I nodded. "My mom told me what was happening, anything new?" She questioned, I shook my head.

I spent a total of four hours at the police station getting interrogate by two white officers. They made it seem like Bashirr and I were some terrible people and officer Bryan, the one that killed Bashirr, made it so easy to believe that we were.

"There's so much to talk about but if you don't want to talk about anything we can also do that. We can eat a tub of ice-cream and just watch movies or something." Olivia offered which made me very slightly smile. "I know you're dying to ask me about it." I gently bumped my arm into hers. "I really am." We both chuckled as we moved into more comfortable positions, up on her pillows. "How, when, why? All of it."

"I found out at your guys party, before... and I haven't talked to him since. He tried calling and texting but I blocked him and told my mom I didn't want to see him." I explained with a simple shrug. "Any news you have for me on that?" I raised my brows. "I just know he regrets it... he misses you." She admitted, making me humorously laugh. If i didn't cry so much in the last few days I probably would've in that moment but I couldn't.

"Enough about me.. how are you with your parents?" I questioned as I hugged into one of her fluffy pillows. "Dad's moving back in after what Jordan did." She responded, making me slightly smile. "That's good. I'm glad." The baker's were like my second parents and even if I didn't know them my whole life, it just didn't make sense for them to be apart. They belonged together.

We both caught each other up on our lives, that have both been pretty hectic but of course mine was worse. Then we decided on watching a movie.

"You pick one, I'll go make the popcorn." I told her as I jumped back out of her bed. "Horror it is." She called out as I exited her room, shrugging my shoulders. I didn't care what kind of movie we watched right now, I just hoped it'd be able to take my mind off of everything.

I took my time as I walked down the long hallway and the cold white stairs. Honestly, I missed living here. I missed seeing the Bakers everyday. My thoughts stoped along with my feet as my eyes landed on a back. "Liv, help me out." He called out without glancing back as he took groceries out of bags. I contemplated just running out the door but I swallowed the lump in my throat and pushed on.

"Not Liv." I responded as I walked past him and to the junk food cabinet, pulling out a pack of popcorn. "Angel." He sounded shocked to see me, I've been getting that a lot lately. "Your mom said you weren't home." I awkwardly pointed out as I put the kernels into the microwave. "Yeah, I just got home." He explained and I slowly nodded my head. "Have fun with Simone?" I sent him a dig as I turned back to face him.

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