Betrayal and a Healer

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   Lilith knew she was awake, but she kept her eyes closed, unsure if anyone was in the room. She knew that she was on a wooden table, and that someone had changed her clothes to a night gown, but they left her mask on. She could feel the pain of all the burns on her skin, and she can feel the bandages on them. But who did this and why, was the question.

She had been working with Minerva for years and she easily threw her away. She felt her face slowly redden with anger, and a burning feeling in her chest. She had been working with Minerva for years and she easily threw her away. She meant nothing to her.

Had she been planning this the entire time? Why would she take her underneath her wings so quickly, why would she make it seem like she was the mother Lilith needed, or wanted. How did she have flames on her hands? How did she control it? Where did it come from?

She decides to open her eyes, and sighs, and she finds herself looking at a wooden ceiling. "Oh good, you're awake." A young man says. Lilith raises her head, even though it gives her a splitting headache, and looks at him. He has dirty blonde hair, and tan skin from what she can make out. He's wearing a gray T-shirt, with black pants. His back is to her, and it looks like he's preparing something on another table.

It would be extremely easy to kill him right now. Even if she doesn't have her daggers. "Where am I?" She demands, promptly sitting up- trying not to wince, her voice raspy from the smoke. Her mask makes her sound more like a demon than a young girl, along with the smoke.

She notices that her daggers are on the ground next to him, along with her ruined, burnt clothes, folded neatly on the ground. Why did he leave the mask? Who was he? A million questions raced through her mind, and she tried to stop them. "Relax. You're at my house. I found you in a ditch on the way to my house." He sighs, turning around and leaning against the table, crossing his arms. "Who are you?" She hissed, starring into his striking hazel green eyes. He grits his teeth, and his eyes narrow on her.

She knew if he had bad intentions he would have done something by now. But she couldn't take any chances. She can't trust anyone. She learned that the hard way. Lilith stands up and moves off the now derelict table, being careful to not show much skin in the short night gown. It doesn't really matter though- He's already seen her in her most vulnerable state.

"Are you scared of me? Though, I feel like I should be the one scared of you since you were carrying some pretty wicked pocket-knives, and I found you burnt like a piece of toast in a ditch." He exhaled, setting the extra bandages on the table she was just on.

"Who are you?" She demanded again, crossing her arms across her bandaged chest. "Jace Everson. Now will you please relax? I need to re-apply your bandages soon." He says calmly, sitting in a chair next to the table. Her burns ache with every movement she takes, and she tries to ignore it. Lilith limps over to a chair closest to her daggers, and Jace stands up to help her, but she just waves him off. She can handle herself. It's just a few burns, she's fine. She has had much worse.

He sits back down in his chair and groans as he stretches his body. "What's your name?" He yawns. "How long was I unconscious?" She growled, changing the subject. The longer and less he doesn't know who she is the more of a chance she can get out. "Three days, two nights. Now what's your name?" He asks, sitting back in his wooden chair. That long? She figured it would have been at least a day, no less, no more. She adjusts her black mask, knowing if she took it off she would have to kill him. But he seemed alright so maybe she won't kill him right away.

"Where do you live?" Lilith demanded, glancing at the one open window, noticing that she was nowhere near Timeston, also noticing that it was almost dusk. "About sixteen miles from the city. Why?" He asks roughly, leaning forward. "No reason." She says suddenly charmingly, smiling softly at Jace.

"Did you ever take off my mask in the three days and two nights?" She asks, needing to know that vital piece of information. "No, I figured you had it on for a reason so I left it on which, by the way, went against everything I was ever taught. Why? Are you like terrifyingly scarred or something?" He teases, grabbing the bandages and standing back up. Lilith stands up as well, and slowly inches her way to her things- now a few feet away. "Or something." She says, starring at the treen table.

Jace walks over to her, tossing the bandages in the air and catching it. "I gotta change your dressing- Can you uh- lie down on the table? Gee, that sounds weird. Sorry." He apologetically smiles at her, but a hunger in his eyes making her vastly uncomfortable.

"I can do it myself. Hand it here." She says, very aware of all his movements. "No- you don't know how. I'm the healer and the one that pulled you out of a ditch, remember?" He says cockily, crossing his arms. Lilith sighs and rolls her eyes, walking closer to Jace. He looks down at her, a loathsome grin appearing on his face, making her want to pound his face in.

She paused a hands length away from him, and looks at him through her mask. He raises his eyebrow, and smirks. You asked for this. She thought as she dropped to the ground and swung her legs underneath him, making him fall to the ground on his face, and making the bandages fly into the air.

Lilith stands up and catches them with ease. "Thanks." She says sweetly, turning on her heal and walking towards her things. "What the hell!" He yells, jumping up and diving for her. She gracefully moves out of the way, and despite the pain of her burns, slams her elbow down on his back. He hits the ground on his stomach, slamming the air out of him. His face is slowly turning red, and he slowly stands and faces Lilith, who is picking up their things. "How di-" He pants, looking at her with a confused look.

Without a thought, she rips off her mask, revealing her face. "What is happening right now?" He shouts, cupping his head. "I rescue a girl, who just happens to be quite pretty- and then she beats my a-" Jace didn't have time to finish his sentence before a dagger was flying from Lilith's hand, and into his forehead, right between his eyes. His body dropped to the ground with a satisfying thump.

"Thanks for the hospitality," She huffed, taking her dagger out of his head, brain matter and blood spurting out of his skull, onto the floor. "But even though Minerva betrayed me, I know her. And she doesn't shove her bodies in ditches." She snarls kicking his lifeless corpse to the side. What ever he was going to do with her, it wasn't good. She picked up her ruined clothes and changed into them.

Suddenly, a back door tucked in a corner that Lilith didn't account for, opened. She knew immediately that there was two people. She swiftly pulls her mask on, and quietly rushes to the front door. As she is opening the heavy door, she notices a picture on the wall. Jace and two others were pictured, one a beautiful young woman with fire red hair, holding hands with him and grinning, and a little girl standing in front of them, with matching braided hair, brightly smiling. Lilith silently opens the door, and sprints out, her legs aching from laying down for three days.

Shit. She thinks as she hears quick footsteps hurry into the room behind her. "Daddy!" The child squealed in the distance. "Zylia- Come get your things!" The child's mother yelled. "Jace, we're home!" She shouted happily. Lilith walked faster and farther as they discovered his body. She kept walking until their blood curdling screams and wails were drowned out with her surroundings. Not once did she stop walking, despite the pain. Not once did she look back.

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