Three Sisters

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Lilith whirled around and faced Alva, noticing her eyes were slightly sunken in. "What are you talking about?" She snarled, dropping the dagger into her hand with a simple move. She heard a small warning and growl escape Juniper, but she chose to ignore him. Alva looked at her calmly when she said, "You have seen what I can do. It's hard to explain, but I'll do my best, Lilith." She narrowed her eyes on Alva. "Lilith? Not Eris?" Juniper questioned, confused. "Start talking." Lilith growled, ignoring him again, dropping the flower onto the ground. "I'm going to be quick, we don't have a lot of time." Alva sighed, her eyes again staring into nothing. "As you know, there are multiple gods. But they all came from the three fates, Thea, Tasina, and Tekla." She said, holding up three fingers. "I'm sure you have heard the legends of the Magus War." Alva said quietly, looking at Lilith. "Yes, of course. The three sisters were divided by magic. Tekla wanted only the all powerful fae to rule, because she thought that humans were pathetic, Thea didn't want magic, or fae. And I don't really remember what Tasina wanted. But she lost." Lilith nodded. "Um, where did you hear that?" Juniper snorted from behind her. He walked to his mother, who shot him a look. He turned and faced Lilith with a smirk on his face. "The three sisters went to war because, Thea and Tasina didn't want humans to have sorcery, or magic if you are an uncultured swine, because they thought we didn't deserve it. Tekla disagreed, and since she was the eldest, and was way more powerful, she won." Juniper said, looking very proud of himself. Alva nodded. "Yes. After Tekla won, she gave magic," She glared at Juniper. "to humans. Not many know the actual story, since the ancient scrolls that tell of the war were modified by Thea and Tasina. No human knows they have magic, what power they have hidden in their soul." She said with a glimmer in her eyes. "Then how did you know that you had magic?" Lilith asked, shooting Juniper a death glare when he rolled his eyes. "I have always known. When I was young, Tekla gifted me with the power of sight. I can send people visions, and I can see the future, and what it beholds." She said, her eyes practically glowing. "Can you see into other people's futures?" Lilith questioned, very intrigued. Maybe Alva could tell her how she gets her revenge on Minerva. "Only if their life intertwines with mine. I can see their past, and future. Anything that Tekla wants me to see, I see." She said, smiling slightly. "But, I usually can only see it in my mind," Alva touched her temple gently, grimacing. "because projecting it in the orb shape you saw, takes a lot out of me." Juniper whipped his head to his mother, frowning and cursing quietly. "You said you wouldn't do that anymore." He whispered angrily, gripping her arm. Alva raised her hand and gently caressed his cheek. "Go to the twins." She pursed her lips into a white line. He tapped his foot on the ground, rubbing his forehead. "Fine." He said coldly, before glaring at Lilith and walking away. After a few heartbeats, Alva finally said, "Sorry." Lilith just stared at her, processing everything. Magic is real, and the gods didn't necessarily grant Minerva powers. She somehow figured out how to free her magic. Alva had said that everyone had magic, they just didn't know they did. The stories, her studies, they were all wrong. If she could figure out how to harness her magic, if Tekla even allowed her to have it, she could destroy Minerva. "How do I.... unlock my magic?" Lilith asked, hope surging through her. Alva bit her lip, thinking. "I don't quite know." She said. "In some people, their magic may take months, years even to uncover. For the boys, they just fought each other, or their emotions got so high, that the magic took over naturally." She shrugged, pointing at the flower on the ground next to Lilith. "That is Juni's doing." Her eyebrows rose, and she couldn't help but feel envious. Alva walked past her and beckoned for Lilith to follow. A question that she didn't realize had been itching to come out, rose to the surface. "What were they doing in the forest?" Lilith asked, knowing that Alva knew exactly who she was talking about.

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