Faked Death.

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 Lilith sits down on the couch, and bites into the apple, savoring the sweet, refreshing taste. A little while later, Naida walked out of his room, and sits down onto the ground in front of her. Naida just stares at her, and Lilith notices a few things about her she didn't notice before. She has amber eyes, with flakes of gold in them, hair that seemed to made out of honey, and freckles that seemed to be placed by the gods themselves. Lilith bites into her apple again, looking away from her, her face a bit red.

"You owe me an apology." Naida says, her voice quavering. 

 "You are a very emotional girl. Starting your monthly soon?" Lilith sneers.


Does she have no remorse? She hurt him, for no reason! She's just sitting there eating an apple, without a care in the world. I cannot believe you. Naida thinks as she stands up abruptly, and points to her brother's room. "You hurt him. Y-you hurt my best friend, for no reason." She says quietly, fighting back tears. She just sits there, her eye brows raised slightly. Naida knew that if there was a physical fight, she would most definitely lose her life. She couldn't let it get that far. She can't let it get that far.

The woman on her couch just sighed, and stared at her. She wouldn't take off the black mask, which was obviously in ruins, and Naida didn't quite know why. "First off, I don't owe you anything. Secondly, it's kind of sad that your brother is best friend." She snorts but directs her attention behind Naida. She follows the woman's gaze and her brother is standing in the hallway, eyes blood shot, and a massive goose egg from where the apple struck.


She knew he had been standing there since Naida sat down, but she chose not to say anything. He had taken off his hood, revealing messy blonde hair and amber eyes. He had been glaring at Lilith since he walked out of his bedroom, and he still was as Naida threw herself around him. "Are you okay, Oryn?" She cried quietly into his shoulder. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, his eyes still glued onto Lilith. She sends him a glare, resulting in Oryn to pull his sister into his room. "Who is she?" Oryn whispered angrily from his room. Surely, they must know I can hear them- She thought as she frowned.

"I don't know. She won't tell me her name." Naida whispered back. "You never asked." Lilith shouted from the couch, making Naida peek her head out of the door way, brows raised. She walked out of the room, Oryn following with a scowl upon his face. Lilith stood up, and crossed her arms, making eye contact with Naida. "You never asked." She repeated. "Alright-" Oryn said from behind Naida, mirroring Lilith. "What is your name then?" He asked. She glances between the two siblings. contemplating whether not she should. "Hm, are you sure you want to know? I'm quite famous." Lilith sighed, picking at her nails.

Everyone knows of Lilith Warven. They just simply don't know what she looks like, giving her advantages like none other. If she told them, it would automatically give them the death sentence. Oryn pinches the bridge of his nose, and throws his hand in the air. "Ju- Who are you?" He demands, obviously frustrated, making Lilith pause. "Who do you think I am?" She hesitantly asks Oryn. "Well, you definitely aren't Lilith Warven." Naida jumped in confidently, her chin raised. "Why is that?" Lilith questions, raising an eyebrow. "Because she's dead."

Dead? This must be Minerva's work. Why would she make her 'death' public? If everyone, including Minerva, thinks that she is dead maybe, she could use this to her advantage.

"Minerva's assassin?" 

 "Yeah, didn't you hear?"

"I've been busy. How did she die?" Lilith asks, wondering how Minerva revealed her death to the public. "She was captured by one of the people she was sent to murder. But- it kinda got turned around on her." Naida chuckles, staring at the bare floor. Yes, she could use this to her advantage. She could get close to Minerva, without ever revealing herself to be Lilith. Her mask always morphed her voice, even without the smoke. She would go to Timeston, and slowly work her way towards the castle she once called her home, and get the revenge she aches for.

"Do you have a horse?" Lilith suddenly demands. She needs to get to Timestone, the sooner the better. "Why?" Oryn questions. "I'm taking that as a yes." She says quickly, shoving past them. "Where are you going?" Naida asks confused. "Timeston. Where's your horse?" She interrogates, looking out windows, searching for the beast. "Name first." Oryn says calmy. Lilith turns around slowly, and faces the two. Naida's brows are furrowed, and Oryn has his arms crossed once again. "Uh- Eris." Lilith lies, making eye contact with Naida's beautiful amber eyes. "Eris." Naida mutters, breaking eye contact and walking to what Lilith assumes is her room.

"Well, Eris-" Oryn spits, as if the name is sour in his mouth. "Nyx is out back. You better return her, because if you don't, I'll hunt you down." He threatens, glancing at his sister's room. "Thanks." Lilith says, striding towards the back door, leaving Oryn.

Lilith was expecting to find a normal equestrian horse tied up, instead she found an extremely rare Qireinae horse. The massive horse has eight legs, three glowing gold eyes, and a majestic black mane and coat. The saddle was already on the creatures back, making Lilith feel sad for her. She turned on her heel, and raced back into the cottage. "T-They're supposed to be extinct-" Lilith stuttered from the door way, looking back and forth between Nyx and Naida. "She's the last one." Naida says dreamily, walking over to her. Lilith straightened herself, and looked at Naida. Oryn was nowhere to be seen, but she couldn't care less about him. A million questions raced through her mind, and it took all her might to not ask them all. "How do you have a Qireinae horse?" Lilith asked.

They went extinct years ago, and Lilith has been searching to see if there are any left, but with no avail. She knew that the Forbidden Witches and Qireinae horses use to roam the hills of Timeston, and the surrounding areas. She also knew that hunters killed them off since they were associated with the Witches. Since she was young, Lilith has heard the stories and legends about the beautiful creatures. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why they killed off the gorgeous Qireinae horses. "It's a long story-" Naida sighed. "Bring her back. Please." She pleaded, putting a hand on Lilith's shoulder.

"I'll try." 

 "Thank you." 

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