Thump, Thump, Thump.

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  There wasn't much in the small room. Just a few chairs, an old mirror, and a bath. There was little space to move around and change into the pants and tunics. Lilith did her best working with the tiny space, and slipped into the clothing, it surprisingly fit her body well, despite all the bandages.

Why had Alva practically forbade her to go to the room on the left? Why did she go into that room? Lilith knew better than to go through someone's home, but she seemed...drawn to that room. A muffled crash came from the other side of the door, making her freeze and listen.

Another thump came from outside, and Lilith swiftly bent down and grabbed a dagger from her boot. She pressed herself up against the wall, and held the dagger close to her chest. She moved a hand to the door knob, the coldness of it soothing the burns on her hands, making her let out a small sigh of relief.

She slowly twisted the door knob, opening the door just slightly. She looked outside the small room, not expecting the noise to be coming from the room right across from the hall. The door on the left. She thought, as she stuck her head out the door, looking to see if anyone was there.

Lilith glanced back down the hall- noticing Juniper had left his spot on the door frame. A loud thud escaped from the door, and she focused her attention on it. She quietly opened the old door the rest of the way, cringing when it squeaked loudly.

She did one final glance down the small hall, and swiftly moved to the wall on the opposite side. She slowly let her hand fall to the door knob, still holding the dagger to her chest.

She opened the door slightly, grimacing again when it squeaks open. "Oil your damn doors." Lilith cursed under her breath. She spied into the room through the crack. From what she could see, there was scattered dirt and plants in puddles on the wooden floor. Another thump escaped the room, followed by a groan.

Lilith opened the door, just enough that she could gracefully slip into the room. She closed the door quietly, and looked around the room, not seeing anyone in sight. The stone walls were tall, and the room was massive and open, not matching the rest of the small hut. Why was this here? Why wasn't this room noticeable from outside?

There were vines hanging from the giant glass ceiling, letting light flood into the room. The beautiful sight made Lilith's breath catch. She spotted a long, dark hallway tucked in a corner, and she cautiously walked to it, leaping over puddles and listening carefully for anything, or anyone.

Suddenly, someone's footsteps were coming out the hallway, and she immediately knew it was Alva, from how light she walked. Where could she go? There was no where to hide in the extremely open room,/ and Alva would see her leave the room if she ran to the door- Lilith looked up at the ceiling, back down at her boots, and at the dagger in her hand.

It would be risky, but it could work. She swiftly reached down into her dirty boots, and pulled out another dagger. She stabbed one of them into a tiny crevice in the wall, and the other a bit higher then the other. Lilith tested how much weight they could hold, and smiled slightly.

She pulled herself up, and moved the bottom dagger higher, quickly moving up to a wooden ceiling frame. Lilith quietly crouched down the frame right as Alva emerged out of the hallway. She held her breath, and silently slipped her daggers back into her boots.

Alva had changed her clothes, and was now wearing, what seemed to be a black, training suit, covered in dirt.

Her black hair was now put up in a tight bun, and she walked till she was underneath Lilith's hiding spot. She heard Alva sigh, and tap her foot. Where were the twins? And Juniper? What was the noise, and thumps? Questions raced through her mind, and she stared down at Alva, who stared back.

"What are you doing up there?" She asked, her voice flat and face expressionless.

Lilith jumped down, and rolled onto the floor. "I heard a noise-" She said nervously, looking right into Alva's cold gray eyes.

"I know. I was just coming to get you." She exhaled, examining her nails.

Lilith stood back up, and knew she looked as confused as she felt. "What do you mean?" She asked, her eyes narrowing.

Alva pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just come with me." She said, already turning back around, giving her no choice but to follow.

"What is this place?" Lilith questioned sweetly, pretending to admire the ceiling.

"Stop pretending, Lilith." Alva purred, turning her head and looking at her, still walking toward the darkness of the hallway.

Lilith stopped in her tracks. Panic surged through her body, and her brow furrowed. "What did you say?" She asked, prepared for any ambushes to come.

Alva stopped and whirled around to face her, a warm smile slightly appearing on her face. How does she know her true identity? Is she somehow working for Minerva? The blood drained from Lilith's face. "Relax. I want to help you." Alva said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"What?" Lilith tilted her head. What could she want to help her with? She doesn't need to any help- or at least she doesn't think she does.

Alva paused, almost searching for the correct words to say. "I- I suppose with Minerva." She shrugged. "Come, let me show you something." She said, jerking her head in the direction of the hallway.

Lilith's eye's widen in disbelief. "What about Minerva?" She spat, crossing her arms and gluing her feet to the floor. How does she know about her? Is she a spy? She has to be working for Minerva. Nothing else makes sense.

Alva sighed, and sat down on the cobblestone floor. "Sit." 

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