The stranger

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Lilith waited till it was mid-morning to take some of the remaining daggers from her belt, and tuck them into her boots. Lilith ran her hands through hair, and wiped her face with the cleanest end of her sleeve, wanting to make herself look more presentable. She removed the belt from her waist, hid it in some dirt and leaves. Even the belt would draw too much attention. Lilith began her walk down the hill, when she spotted a small hut tucked in some tall trees. The trees surrounding the hut were a very strange, healthy green, whilst the other trees, Lilith noticed, were an ugly light brown color.She saw two small children with black hair were wrestling in the dirt, and a woman with matching black hair, hanging up clothes on an old clothing rack. Lilith turned and walked to the hut, forcing a friendly smile to appear on her face. She sent a silent prayer to the gods as she walked closer and closer to the hut, hoping that she didn't look like a maniac. The woman bent down and picked up a blue shirt from a woven basket, and raised herself back up, looking at Lilith as she neared closer to her. "Hello." Lilith said in her sweetest voice, waving slightly. The two boys paused their wrestling only once to look at the stranger, but they resumed it almost immediately. The woman sighed, and glanced the boys. "Who are you, and what do you want?" She said thinly, bundling the shirt into her arms. "I am Eris, and I was hoping you have a dress, or tunic, that you may spare? Mine are kind of ruined." Lilith chuckled, pointing down at her outfit. "Hm, yes. I can see that." The woman looked her up and down, and tapped her foot on the ground. "Dryden, Eddard! Inside, now!" She called to the boys on the ground, who kept on wrestling. The woman dropped her hands, and the shirt fell back into the basket. "Excuse me." She said sharply, stomping over to the boys. The woman grabs them both swiftly by the ear, and dragged them into the small hut, ignoring their complaints and screams. Lilith crossed her hands behind her back, and peered through one of the windows from her standing place. She noticed another boy with black hair, peeking through it, at her. He seemed to be in his teens, and he seemed... surprised for some reason. The woman walked out of the house, holding a light green tunic, and brown pants. "My apologies, Eris. They are quite a handful sometimes. My name is Alva. Will this suffice?" She asked with a warm smile, holding up the bundle of neatly folded clothes, Alva's mood change surprised Lilith, and her eyebrows rose. "Yes, thank you." She replied, taking the clothes from her, smiling. "How many children do you have?" Lilith asked, glancing back at the window where the boy was. Alva's eyes beamed. "Three. My eldest is sixteen, and the twins are four." She sighed. "Ah." Lilith smiled. "Do you have any where to change? I would rather not change in the middle of the woods." She chuckled. "I mean, who knows if there are any creeps, right?" She chuckled quietly. Alva's smile slightly faded, and there wasn't any warmth behind her eyes. "Yes. Follow me." She murmured, turning away and walking toward the hut. Lilith followed after Alva, and looked back at the window, surprised to see all three boys staring at her. "Do they always do that?" Lilith asked, clutching the clothes. The twins were standing side by side, trying to be still, Lilith noticed. The oldest son was standing over them, arms crossed, staring at her with a smirk. Lilith looked into his grey eyes, and flashed a smile, making him flinch. "They think you're pretty." Alva sighs, opening the door into the hut. "Oh?" Lilith's eyebrows raise again, and she looks back at the window, only to find it empty. Alva held the large door open for Lilith as she walked in, and Lilith sent her a nod of thanks. "Down there," Alva said, pointing down a small hallway, closing the door. "And to the right, it's the first door you see. Whatever you do, don't go left. I have something I need to attend to." She said, striding down the hall and going through the brown door on the left. "Alright-" Lilith muttered, letting her eyes drift around the room. From what she could make out, there are four doors- two down the hall, and two tucked near the open room with the window. She felt the clothes in her hand. They weren't of the most impressive quality, but it should do. After she is done changing, she planned to go into Timeston, and start working her way toward the castle. "If you can't remember, it's to the right." Someone said casually from the open room. Lilith peered into the room, and saw the eldest boy sitting down on an old couch, reading a book. "I remember, thanks." Lilith said, leaning slightly against the door frame. "What's your name?" She asked, a disarming smile slowly appearing back on her face. "Juniper." He said, putting the book down. "But you can me Juni." He said with a wink and a grin. Lilith noticed that he had muscles showing through his tight green shirt, and messy black hair, but she really couldn't care less. "Well, Juniper, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Eris." Lilith smiled, pulling herself back off of the frame. She looked back at the hallway, and started walking to the right door. "Wait- how old are you?" He asked from behind her. Lilith sighed, and turned back to Juniper, who had crossed his arms again, and was leaning against the door frame. "Hmm, why do you need to know?" She said teasingly, her eyes narrowing on him. "I don't know. You're pretty, and you seem like a nice girl-" "I'm not." "What? Pretty, or a nice girl?" He said, an eyebrow raising, and the smirk returning back to his face. "Nothing. It's nice to meet you, Juni." She sighed, walking toward the door on the right. "You too, Eris." He grinned.

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