The Cottage in the woods.

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They walked in silence, the only noise being the crunch of fallen leaves and twigs on the ground, Naida leading the way, deeper into the forest. Lilith looked into the darkness surrounding them, looking at the tall trees they walked under. "Which forest is this?" She asks, breaking the silence. Naida looks behind her shoulder, sneering. "The Virgin's Forest. Do you not know?" She questions, stepping over a moss covered log.

What kind of name is that? Lilith thinks as she steps over the log. Shame reddens her face, she should know this. "I travel a lot." She lies. The truth is, she is usually very busy with clients, and her main goal was to get the job done, and get back safely, not to know what forests were fifteen miles away. "Why do they call it the Virgin's Forest?" Lilith asks, genuinely curious. Naida stops in her tracks, and whirls around to face her. "Seriously, how do you not know this?" She scoffs.

Lilith sends her a piercing glare, and crosses her arms. "Watch your tone." She growls. Naida's face pales, and she freezes. "Sorry. They call it that because, a story says the forbidden witches use to roam this forest, and they would capture virgin girls from nearby villages, and sacrifice them to their gods." She says quietly, starring at a rock on the ground. A scowl appeared on Lilith's face, and she walked past Naida. "Pleasant." She mutters as she imagines the horrors they went through, a shiver going down her spine.

Lilith lifted her head up, and saw a faint light in the distance. "That yours?" She demanded, turning around and facing her back. Naida seems to come back to her senses, and she turns back around looking at the light, her eyes threatening tears. She pulls her blonde hair back into a low ponytail, and glances at her before looking back at the light. "Uh- Yeah." She murmured, sniffling. She walks back in front of her, and starts walking toward the growing light.

"So-" Naida says, clearing her throat. "Do you ever take off the mask?" The light slowly grew into a small cottage, and she opened the door, flashing a sad grin. "Only around people I trust. So no." She says casually, her head held high, striding into the cabin. Immediately, Lilith noticed dishes, and plants everywhere. Gods, do you not clean? She thinks as she pivots through massive green plants.

"Sorry, it's a tad bit messy." "Thanks. I didn't notice."

Lilith turns around, examining the room. There is a big window allowing her to stare into the darkness, with plants on the walls next to it, and a brown couch under it. From what she can make out, there are two rooms, and a small kitchen. "Do you want anything to eat?" Naida says, now in the kitchen, surprising her. Lilith spins around, and looks at Naida. What kind of assassin is she if she can't even hear someone walk? She straightens herself, tugs on her toasted tunic, and walks toward the couch.

"No." Lilith says, remembering the apples in her pocket, and sits down on the couch. She sinks into it, exhaustion eating at her body. Cluttering noises came from the kitchen, and Lilith hears something shatter onto the ground. "What are you doing, Naida?" She sighs, pulling out a red apple from her pocket. "Nothing!" Naida cried out, her voice strain. "Really?" She says, rolling her eyes.

Lilith gazes at the apple in her bandaged hand, even though she isn't hungry. Another noise escapes the kitchen, and now it seems as if there is two voices. She stands up and, as quietly as she can, treads softly over to Naida. Her apple is in her hand, replacing a dagger. Even though it is an apple, it can still do good damage. Perhaps not kill somebody, but at least knock them out. Lilith peers into the kitchen, and is shocked by the sight.

A hooded man in black was standing above Naida, who was on the floor, and the window over the sink had been broken. Lilith leaned on the door frame, and crossed her arms. "That doesn't look like nothing." She sighs, breathing on the apple and rubbing it on her ruined tunic. "Who are you?" The man growled, looking up at her, blonde hair peeking through his hood. Lilith's eyes narrow on the man. "Someone." She frowns, throwing the apple at his head with all her might.

The apple explodes as it makes contact with the side of his head, juice and the apple's flesh flying everywhere. "No- Wait, don't!" Naida screamed, jumping up and running over to the man, who was had fallen on the floor. "Who is he?" Lilith asks, unfazed and relaxed, crossing her arms again. "My brother, you blooming idiot!" Naida shouts at her angrily. Brother. Hm. She thinks as she walks back over to the couch, leaving Naida to comfort her unconscious sibling.

"What is wrong with you?" Naida shouted from the kitchen, over the noise of her brother moaning and coming to. Nothing. Everything. Lilith sits back down on the comfortable couch, and pulls the second apple out of her pocket. She doesn't answer Naida, obviously making her upset. "Help me carry him to his room." She barks, peeking her head around the corner. Lilith makes eye contact with her stunning amber eyes, and sighs, putting the apple in her pocket. "Fine." She exhales, standing back up.

Lilith strolls back to the kitchen, and looks at Naida, who is standing up over her brother, her hands on her hips. "Which room is it?" Lilith asks, bending down and picking up the man's unconscious body. Her burns sting and throb, but she shoves the pain to the side. He is surprisingly very light, so she picks him up with ease. Naida is evidently shocked that Lilith can pick up a grown man so easily, and she can't help but feel a tad bit smug. "Follow me-.." Naida mutters, her head dropping.

Lilith follows Naida with her brother dangling in her arms, to a small room with the furniture being, a tiny bed with a red blanket, and a tall dark wood wardrobe in the corner. "Um, just set him there, I guess." She says quietly, pointing to the bed. Lilith does as told, and turns on her heel out of the room immediately, pulling the apple out of her pocket.

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