I. oh my prince

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oh my dear prince,
please set me free from this eternal hell.
the hell where you so kindly put me.

come with your armor so shining.
my hero, my savior come to me.

you left me all alone.
in this tower with walls to tall.
i can't even hear the birds sing to me.
left with my own thoughts my tortured soul cries.

oh prince my love
do you feel the same way about me
can you stay by my side forever and ever?

i'm begging you come and hold me.

but oh my prince,
you have betrayed me.
please my lovely prince.
leave me.
spare me.

the thought of you alone is enough to make me shiver.
my blood turns into a frozen paradise.
with insides rotten from the very core.

out of sight doesn't mean out of mind.
like a ghost you torture me slowly.
a grip so tight i can't get out.
i'm being suffocated by the words you said,
and the words left unsaid.

please let me go.
i beg you my prince.

come and save me from this eternal hell.

{written march 2023}

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