II. movie star

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lights camera and action
all eyes on you
the one and only movie star
attention please

give more and more
you greedy pig when is it enough?

feel the love like arrows shooting through your heart
does it feel good?
surely you can't get enough of it

like a drug you abuse it
the love
the power
the trust

would you rather swallow it whole
or is smoking preferred?

now smile for the camera
oh what a sweet smile you have
smile until it hurts
feel the burn

once again you put on a proud mask
put up with a show
aren't you the funniest thing out there

why aren't you satisfied yet?
what more can you achieve

charisma and youth only gets you so far
oh no look at that
your prime time is over
out with the old and in with the new

you are nothing more than toxic waste
what's left after a nuclear war

quiet down
no one wants to hear your laugh

get out of my sight
no one wants to see your face

just give up and die
better luck next time

{written march 2023)

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