Chapter 8

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Confederate pov.

I walked through the rooms, knocking on all of them to wake everyone up. Once I got to North's door, I remembered that he had a rough night. I was about to knock when Russia walked out with Union in his arms.

"Ah, good morrning Confederate." He greeted me.

"Mornin', Canada's makin' breakfast, so you should wake Union 'fore y'all get to the dinnin' hall." I told him, he nodded and walked towards the living room. Once I made sure everyone was up, and on their way to breakfast I followed them back. I sat down in my usual spot and looked around the table. "Russia where did Meri go?" I asked.

"He got call, said he'd be right back." He replied. I nodded and grabbed some of Nada's famous pancakes. After a minute or two Union walked in with a pissed expression.

"Dixie, Maple, Goldie, can you three meet me in the office after breakfast, it's important." He asked, with a stern tone in his voice, 'Ah, shit.' I thought, and I'm pretty sure the other two had the same thought. "DC, NASA, CDC, NATO, and Military, can you guys keep everyone in check?" He asked the kids, leaving no room for them to say no.

"Yeah, we can do that." NATO responded, with compliance lacing her tone, and her siblings agreed, not really wanting to anger Union more. We finished breakfast and the kids were corralled outside for the day, and some of the other countries followed them, I know Poland, Germany, Japan, Belarus, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Ukraine, and France followed them, with the French woman dragging the brit with her. Ame walked to the office with us on his tail.

"What happened Stars?" Nada asked.

"UN called, he extended the stay, and that he was going to come personally check on us, I don't want him finding the kids, so I'm going to need your help." He told us.

"Ok, this is bullshit, I've seen what NATO sends him, as she has to make sure the peace is maintained, and why the hell would he make you house 12 of us anyway because in the house currently there is 76 people, hell, I don't know how we even managed with all 64 of the kids at once." Mexi exclaimed.

"Yeah, don't you have that bunker Stars? The one you showed us, that's like a full underground city?" Nada asked.

"Yes, are you saying send the kids down there, for the duration of UN's visit?" Ame asked skeptically.

"I know it's not a good idea, but what else can we do?" Nada fired back.

"Hermanos, deténganse, tenemos que prepararnos antes de que llegue la ONU." Mexi called out. (Brothers, please stop, we have to prepare before UN arrives.)

"Yeah, let's go with that then, I'll tell the kids, UN gets here in an hour and a half." Union told us. We nodded and went to warn everyone, which everyone was out back anyways.

"Hey Lone Star, got your flare?" I asked the kid.

"Yeah, family meeting?" He replied.

"Somethin' like that." I told him, he nodded and fired the flare. After a minute we were inside on the couch, with all of the kids and countries. I stood up to stand with Ame, Nada, and Mexi.

"Alright, UN is coming to visit, kids, I need you guys to head to the bunker and stay there till you see one of us come to get you, anyone that's allowed out, and has been seen by UN stay put but take turns going to the bunker with the others, I'm talking mostly to the military for the turn taking, DC you can stay down there with the others if that's what you prefer, but other than that everyone go now, we don't have much time." Ame told them. The kids got up and left the room, heading to the bunker.

"Alright, and for the countries, please remain on your best behavior, we don't need NATO in trouble." Nada spoke up. Once everything was cleaned up, and no trace if the kids other than the ones Union has to bring to work on some occasions.

"Mexico, Poland, you can let your wings out, I know it must be uncomfortable to hide them." Union told them. They looked relieved and let their wings out. I checked the time and saw that we had ten minutes before UN arrives. "Dixie join the kids, UN doesn't know about you." Union warned me. I nodded and went down to the bunker. One of the kids saw me and went to tell the others.

"I'm not down here to release you, I'm staying down here with you." I told Mich. He nodded and stopped running, "I do need you to find DC though Michigan." I told the boy. He nodded and took off. Not to long after I was piled underneath all of the kids. I got up and walked into one of the houses and set it up as our little base down here till Union, Nada, or Mexi comes down here.

Russia pov.

"Ame, do you have Vodka?" I asked.

"Yeah, it should be in one of the upper cabinets in the kitchen, and could you grab a bottle of everclear for me?" Ame replied. "Hold onto the bottle please, I have to get UN from the gate." Ame told me, practically running out of the house. Mexico noticed Ame missing and walked in.

"Where did Meri go?" She asked.

"He went to get UN." I replied, she nodded and grabbed a bottle of tequila.

"Let me guess, he had you grab him a bottle of everclear?" She asked pointing to the second bottle in my hand, I nodded.

"Hey, I'm going to make lunch if you want to help, and have someone send some down forr the kids and Confederrate." I told her.

"That sounds wonderful, thank you Russia." She replied. I nodded and grabbed the stuff so I could prepare lunch and made enough for everyone to have some, and have leftovers.

"I'm telling you, you have nothing to worry about UN." Ame came in and guided UN to the living room.

"Mexico, can you get one of the Military branches to send the food down without being seen?" I asked her, she nodded and called for Marine, he approached us quickly and quietly, I handed him the food for his siblings in the bunker, and he was off. Once I had finished the last of the food, Mexico helped me move it to the table, and ran off to get Ame, and the others.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now