Chapter 27

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Alaska pov.

When Russia corralled us outside to let dad and our uncle and aunt calm down Uncle Dixie. I couldn't stop the nagging feeling that I caused him to spiral. While we were on our way I kept thinking about how it started. 'If I never asked that question Uncle Dixie would be okay. Since I asked the question, and the question is what led to this it must mean it's my fault.' We finally reached the outside as my thoughts kept swirling with only one thing in common: ALL YOUR FAULT. I felt myself getting worked up and moved to the back of the group trying to draw less attention. I have to calm down before Lone Star comes out. I decide to try to think of good things and happy memories, but no matter what I keep going back to it being my fault. I back away from the group more to stay out of sight. I sit in the shade under a tree. I grab my hair tight as the thoughts keep coming. I curl up slightly to give the appearance of naping in the shade. Tears start to slowly roll down my face as my frustration and guilt double. I didn't notice that Lone Star came outside and start talking to Russia pointing in my direction, almost knowing that something is wrong. The thoughts kept coming and with the amount of guilt and frustration I'm in I forget about keeping away attention. I curl tighter into a ball. Because of this I don't see lone star bringing Russia to me. I uncurl in surprise as Lone Star latched back onto me and Russia sits on the ground beside us. The tears are still making tracks down my face and I hurriedly try to wipe them away. Russia grabs my hand.

"Аляска" he says gently. (Alaska) I look up trembling slightly. "What's wrong?" He asks me. He seems genuine worried. I lean against him, shifting Lone Star. I sighed disappointed in myself.

"Uncle Dixie's panicking because of my question." I replied softly. I start brushing through Lone Star's hair as we talk. "It's all my fault. If I didn't ask that question Uncle Dixie would be fine." I vented to him. He moved to hug me and Lone Star.

"Listen to me Аляска." He prompted looking at me gently but seriously. "You are not at fault. It was a question not a bomb. Anything or anyone could have caused that. Understand?" He continued. I nodded and leaned into him more.

"Thanks отец." I thanked him quietly. (Father)

"You're welcome Аляска." Russia replied kindly ruffling my hair slightly.

Russia pov.

I gently smiled at them glad I could help. "Would you like to join the others or stay here" I queried.

"Stay here." Alaska replied quietly.

"Thats alright" I assured them. I shifted my hold on her and Lone Star, laying against the tree. I rubbed her back gently as we layed there, grateful they weren't pushing me away. The small Texan leans into both of us more, smiling a bit. I smiled lightly feeling content with them and shifted a final time so they could both lay against me comfortably. I felt Alaska shift a bit and rest her head on my shoulder hugging both me and Texas tightly as she falls asleep. I wrap my arms around the both of them gently. I watch as Texas falls asleep as well, finally at ease. As we sit there I keep an eye on the other states to make sure none of them gets hurt. As we sat like this for a bit, I noticed Alabama and Arkansas start sparing and one of the other countries had walked out, 'They must have gotten home a little bit ago.' I thought. They saw Alabama and Arkansas mid spar in an awkward position and ran inside to get Ame. I sighed and got up careful not to wake Alaska or Texas. I kept a hold on them and walked to the sparring states. When I reached them I quietly called out "Knock it off you two." Trying to keep Alaska and Texas asleep. The states stopped immediately and ran off with the others still wanting to play. France and Ame came back out to look for Alabama and Arkansas. I looked over at them. "I've got it handled meric, they were just sparring." I told him. I looked over at the other states and pointed to them. "See their with the others now" I finished.

"Thanks Ruski, you can go back in France, I've got it from here." Ame told the French woman, she nodded curtly and headed back inside. I shifted, turning so I was facing Ame.

"Is Dixie alright?" I asked softly. The alaskan moved slightly, so I started swaying to keep them sleeping. They needed it.

"Yea, he's fine, Maple and Goldie sent him to bed and are staying with him for the day, thanks for watching the kids Ruski." Ame replied softly, looking up at me with a small smile. I smiled back at him softly.

"Its no problem Meric. We are together, I consider them mine aswell." I assured him. I stepped closer so there wasnt so much distance between us. "It would be wrong of me not to." I said gently. I noticed Ame's face flush a bit at the distance between us.

"Ruski, not in front of the kids yet." Ame told me, I nodded and took a step back. I noticed the states getting louder and Texas shifting.

"Would you like me to put them to bed Meric?" I asked.

"That would be great Ruski, though I wouldn't recommend leaving them, they seem rather attached." He told me. I nodded assuming as much.

"I'll stay with them, it's no big deal." I promised. I walked into the house and to alaska's room. I very carefully opened the door and maneuvered onto her bed. I brought up the covers over them to make them more comfortable. The small Texan curled into both me and Alaska still asleep comfortably. I layed back against the headboard contently. I started to get sleepy laying with them. Eventually I fell asleep careful not to move them.

America pov.

I watched as Russia took the sleeping states inside and I heard crying near the woods. I got over there as fast as I could. I saw a bunch of the states in a circle around one of their siblings.

"What happened kids?" I asked as I approached them.

"We were playing hide 'n seek, but didn't notice the drop-off right 'ere and Ark fell in." Bama replied in a slight panic. I nod and reach down to Arkansas to pull him up. Once I felt Arkansas take my hand I pulled him up carefully.

"Thanks dad." Ark thanked me.

"You're welcome Ark." I replied softly. I checked him for any wounds, stopping when I don't find any. "Alright, you can continue playing just be careful alright?" I told the kids.

"We will dad." The kids replied in unison. I smiled and walked back to the house.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now