Chapter 21

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American Samoa pov.

When we found out that DC was down, everyone went haywire, and it took Florida, Texas, Cali, Kent, Flower and Alaska to start crying for everyone to stop and form a protective circle around them. NATO, NASA, and the Military branches stayed outside the circle but still close enough to protect everyone within it. We let Uncle Dixie, Uncle Maple and Aunt Mexico join the circle, the other countries were held back by the military.

"Kids, please calm down, everything is going to be alright, your father is helping your sister get better, but I need everyone in this circle to calm down." Uncle Nada told us.

"Uncle Dixie, can you turn on the human news channel so we can assess the damage done?" Air Force asked our southern Uncle, he nodded and turned on the tv. We watched in horror.

"This is worse that the march that happened a while ago, hell I'd say it's worse than what my citizens did in the war of 1812." Uncle Nada exclaimed, we looked at him with fear, now even more worried for our sister. I'm pretty sure he noticed and hugged as many of us as he could.

"NATO, did you manage to snag dad's work phone?" Army asked our sister.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for the humans to call, if they don't we can start phase 2." She told him.

"Understood." Army replied.

"Can somebody please tell us what the bloody hell is going on?" The angry brit asked.

"It's none of your business Britain, now if everyone would please be kind enough to back the hell up and let the kids breathe that would be great." Dad told them, with DC and Russia behind him. Austin, Juneau, Kent, Cali, Flori, and Flower stopped crying and looked at our sister with relief washing over them. The countries did as told and backed up enough for the circle to widen enough for everyone to disperse and hug DC. "NATO how's the plan going? Any new information about what happened?" Dad asked her.

"When we turned on the tv, and found the human news channel, the damage done to the capital was substantial, why it made DC react that way wasn't made clear, from what Uncle Canada expressed, it's worse that the marches, and war of 1812." NATO replied.

"Ok, everyone be careful. Austin remember the weather forecast for your state? I want you to prepare for a freeze, not your normal freeze, I need you ready to be bedridden for a week Lone Star." Dad warned us, more so Austin, but it was a warning none the less. We nodded and disbanded the circle completely.

"Makuakāne, can we have a beach day?" Flower asked.

"I don't see why not, which one did you want to go to Hawaii?" Dad asked her.

"The one with big waves, it's been a while since we've gone surfing." She replied.

"Is everyone else in agreement with that?" Dad asked us, we nodded and ran to get changed into some bathing suits.

Russia pov.

Once the kids left to prepare for a beach day I pulled Ame aside before he got overwhelmed by the other countries.

"Ame, can you tell me about what happened?" I asked him.

"The humans, they wanted a change in government, but the older generation has too much power for them to really do anything about changing who's in power and how the country's run." He replied defeatedly.

"Oh, Ame. What can I do to help? I don't like seeing you like this." I told the American, pulling him into a hug.

"Ask NATO, she's in charge of what's going on, and thanks for the hug." He replied triedly.

"Can't have you going down on us this soon, you maybe the strongest world super power, but you need to learn how to take care of yourself." I told him.

"Dad! We're ready!" The kids yelled.

"Is everyone ready?!" Ame yelled back.

"Yes!" Virginia replied.

"NATO! Lead them to the beach on the western most portion of land!" Ame called out to his daughter.

"Will do!" NATO yelled back.

"Should we join them?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let's go get ready." Ame replied, pulling out his phone.

"Meric, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure the kids got everything they need, so I could bring some extra drinks for us. I asked NASA what they brought for them to drink, and if I needed to bring an extra cooler for more, and some food for lunch, he said they took the grill, so I'm assuming Dixie's taking care of lunch with Goldie." Ame replied, moving to the bathroom to change into his bathing suit.

"Do you want me to get the alcohol?" I asked.

"That'd be great, there's a cooler in the pantry. I know Goldie wants tequila, Maple can handle everclear, there should be some wine for France, I don't know what Britain would want, Roo and Kiwi are fine with out alcohol in their systems, so grab two bottles of each." He told me walking out of the bathroom, two towels in hand. "You get the drinks I'll get the food for lunch, let's go." He said, tossing me one of the towels.

NATO pov.

"Hawaii, Marin, Sam, Guam, Virgin Islands, I need you five to scout for a spot to set up camp, you know the beaches better than everyone here, run wild." I told my siblings. They nodded and ran to a shaded area of beach and flagged us over.

"Good job guys, this spots perfect, alright, y'all go have fun, we'll set up camp." Uncle Dixie told us. The islanders didn't need to be told twice, as they grabbed their surfboards and ran to the water. Some of the southwestern states started to head to the water as well. Austin, and Juneau stayed on the shore while everyone else was out having fun on and near the water. I walked over to them and noticed they were in a deep conversation, and quickly noticed me.

"Did you need somethin' NATO?" Austin asked.

"I was just coming to check on you both, why aren't you guys out on the water with the rest of our siblings?" I asked them.

"We're still in shock from what happened to DC, and I'm giving Austin tips on how to prepare for harsh winters." Juneau replied, and Austin nodded in agreement.

"I understand, if you two need anyone to talk to about anything you can come to me, I'll try to help in anyway I can." I told my siblings, they nodded and hugged me.

"Thanks NATO." They told me. I looked around and saw Dad and Russia coming over to our makeshift campsite.

"Looks like Dad's here. I'll let you two get back to your talk, but please try to have fun." I told them, they nodded and started talking again. I walked over to dad and helped him with the cooler he brought with him.

"How are Juneau and Austin holding up?" Dad asked.

"They're still a bit shaken, but they're doing fine." I replied.

"That's good, but why are they sitting away from the others?" Dad asked.

"They're talking, from what they told me, Austin asked her for tips on how to handle the harsh winter he's about to face." I replied, dad nodded.

"Dixie! I brought the food and charcoal!" Dad yelled to Uncle Dixie.

"Thanks North!" Uncle Dixie yelled back, running over to grab the food, the funny part is once he made it about half way he tripped and face planted into the sand. Dad put the food on the cooler and doubled over in laughter with me not to far behind.

"Confed, are you ok?" Russia asked walking over to help Uncle Dixie.

"Yea I'm fine, thanks for helping me Russia." Uncle Dixie told the Russian thankfully. "Union did you bring the drinks?" Uncle Dixie asked dad.

"Yeah, they're in the cooler. You should start on lunch soon Dixie, the kids are going to start coming to the shore soon." Dad replied, we nodded and walked back to the others and Uncle Dixie set up the grill, while Aunt Mexico prepared the food.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now