𝕬 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 - 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3 -

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- The Next Morning (8 A.M.)  -

- Ezra's POV -

I awoke six hours after hearing something last night, I still am thinking about it even though it was probably just the wind or Austin moving around. I got up out of bed and changed into my day clothes and headed out the door.

Today I feel like going out by myself, maybe store browsing or out to eat somewhere. I kind of just want to be alone today, although if Andrew asked me to hang out I wouldn't really be bothered.

I was out the door and went on a walk, until I realized that I left my phone at home. I stopped in my tracks and headed back home to grab my phone since I wasn't very far.

- Austin's POV -

I woke up at 7 A.M. or so like I normally do. I got up and went over to my dresser to get dressed. After I got dressed I went downstairs to get something to eat before I heard Ezra get up an hour later than me as he usually does. I was going to ask if he wanted to hang out but he was already out the door.

"Nevermind I guess.." I sighed.

I looked over at the door and noticed that on the ground right next to where he tied his shoes was his phone sitting on the floor.

I went over and picked it up. I noticed that Andrew had texted him asking if he wanted to hang out today.

I opened the message and deleted the text so that if he came back to get his phone he wouldn't have to see it. I know that it was probably a fucked up thing to do, but I don't want them too close to each other. I still don't trust that guy...Who just randomly appears with our friend from nowhere with no mention of him in the past? A weirdo, that's who.

I was right, I saw Ezra out the window coming back for most likely his phone.

I quickly checked to make sure Andrew didn't text him a second time and was relieved when I saw he didn't and quickly set his phone back down when I saw the front door opening.

"Hey have you seen my phone?" He asked unknowingly to me.

I gave my best "I didn't do anything suspicious" face and quickly answered his question.

"Yeah, it was on the ground. I picked it up and put it right here on the counter."

He looked at my face and totally didn't suspect a single thing.

- Ezra's POV -

Why is he making that face at me like he did something suspicious?

I chose to ignore it and went over to the counter and grabbed my phone.

I turned around to leave again until I heard Austin start talking to me again, this time asking a question.

"Hey you wanna go somewhere today, just the two of us?" He questioned now making a seemingly innocent "I've done nothing wrong" face.

Honestly I looked at him and could not resist saying yes to that face. He really seemed to emphasize on the "just the two of us" part, like he was annoyed with all the people these past few days.

I guess I couldn't blame him...Hudson and Andrew have been coming over pretty often lately, plus it has been for many MANY hours at a time. He was probably just sick of people at the moment. He usually gets this way after hanging out with people or talking to people too much.

So of course I said yes.

 - After hanging out -

It wasn't too bad hanging out with Austin since we haven't had much alone time lately. Even if all we did is go for a walk it was still enjoyable. We didn't really talk that much throughout the walk though. That made me a bit confused but I choose not to worry over that kind of stuff, maybe he was just tired.

- Austin's POV -

It was nice walking around outside with Ezra, although I really wanted to talk to him but couldn't think of any subjects that don't make it sound like I dislike Andrew. Kind of disappointing that he came between me hanging out with my sibling. Stopped me from having a nice time with Ezra even when he isn't anywhere near. Ezra at least looks pretty happy.

- Andrew's POV -

I wonder why Ezra never responded to me. It says he had read the message for a minute and then all of a sudden said "message not sent"....

...Did he block me?

No, he wouldn't block me. I don't think so at least.

Maybe he thinks I'm suspicious...

Or maybe his annoying sibling has been saying stuff about me...

I'll go see for myself.

- Time skip -

I was walking over to go see where Ezra was, when I suddenly stopped in my tracks. I saw Ezra and Austin leaving their house. Maybe he just didn't actually see my text then. But then I noticed he did in fact have his phone on him.

I have a feeling that Austin had something to do with this.

Of course though I am not just gonna go up to them and ask why he didn't respond to my message. So instead, I kept my distance while they were walking and stalked- I mean watched them to see what they were doing. They didn't really talk though.

Maybe they were sick of each other...? No, that wouldn't make sense since they are on this walk together. I guess maybe they just don't talk as much as I thought they did.

They seem to be heading home so this is where I'll take my leave.

- Ezra's POV -

I looked at the clock on my phone and saw it hasn't been too long and there was still plenty of daylight left.

I plan to watch mindless TV the rest of the day. I really think I might have pretty much no life besides with other people.

- Hours upon hours later -

I checked the clock and it has been many hours. It was literally almost midnight already. Mindless TV for the win I guess.

To bed I go I guess.

I looked over at Austin's door, it seems like he was already asleep.

I was about to clock in until I heard a bang from downstairs. I went down to investigate and brought a knife with me since I was suspicious. Also yes, I keep a knife under my pillow...Just for safety.

I went into the kitchen/living room area..But I didn't see anything unusual or out of place so far. I flicked the light switch and got into a stance with my knife in both my hands. I still didn't see anything though. It's suspicious though since these noises have been more often lately.

I still think that something may be off, so this time I go over to the front door and check if it is locked. Then I knew something was not right, the front door was unlocked.

ꕥ♱♥ ️ 𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3 ♥ ️♱ꕥ

ꕥ♱♥ ️ 𝕬 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 ♥ ️♱ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now