𝕬 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 - 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4 -

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Author's note: Sorry I haven't updated this story for a month, but I am back!

My other story has been updated too, and if you read that story's note, then yes I am sick right now. I will do my best to make this chapter interesting! Enjoy!


The front door was unlocked.

I started to panic and this time looked around more thoroughly, still seeing no one.

I triple check, then I make a break for it upstairs, running straight into Austin's room.

He sits up immediately at the sudden action. Until he sees me and relaxes a little bit.

"Oh..Ezra what are you doing here so late..?" He asked me tiredly with a slight yawn following his now kind of deep voice.

He goes to close his eyes again, until he instantly opens them at my words,

"I think someone is in the house." I say with panic in my voice.

He gets out of bed and locks me inside of his room telling me to not make a single noise, but he grabbed something before shutting the door, maybe a weapon of some sort.

I attempt to open the door realizing that Austin would go face whoever might be in the house alone.

I gave up after a while and went to the corner of his room started to shed warm salty tears with a slight nose drip.

I really hope that Austin will be okay out there.

I sat there slightly hidden in the dark room until I started to hear the door unlock.

I immediately ceased any movement I had before, which wasn't much to begin with, but still.

Then I hear Austin's voice and immediately relax.

"Ezra, it is okay.. Uh, could you open the door please?" I hear him call out in a more calm voice now.

I get up and unlock the door to see him unharmed in any way and jump up to give him a very tight hug.

He started to gag a bit so I let him go after a minute or so.

"I checked the entire house, but nothing was wrong. The doors and windows were all locked so nobody could have gotten in."


Now that is not right...I know for a fact that the front door was indeed unlocked. Maybe I was tired? No, there is no way I would miss that.

- Austin's POV -

Yeah, I will be honest.

I lied to him.

I know that if I told him the truth then he would keep panicking the entire night. So, I made him a offer I knew he would probably take.

"Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?" I asked him knowing the answer would be yes.

And of course, that is the exact answer I got.

I still am thinking about it though, the door was unlocked and I know for a fact it was locked earlier. Meaning, maybe someone stole a key? Or maybe the picked the lock on the door. I should be extra careful either way though...I know I could probably beat the absolute shit out of whoever broke in, but Ezra...He wouldn't really stand a chance.

It isn't that I don't believe in Ezra, it is just that Ezra is a really uhm..gentle person...Yeah okay he is really weak. He still needs help opening water bottles and getting through the child safety stuff for medicine.

All the more reason for me to keep him close and be on the lookout for anymore suspicious stuff at night.

Now that I think about it...That one night when I heard that noise..Could it have been the same person? Was it a robber? Kidnapped? 



I shouldn't think about that right now though. Just need to make sure that Ezra is safe from whoever it is.

Why do I feel like Andrew could have something to do with this?

Arrives at the house unexpectedly, acts flirty with Ezra, and all of a sudden noises and suspicious activity at night. Remember, RIGHT AFTER HE ARRIVES.

I should be on the lookout of him from now on and forward until maybe he gives up on Ezra.

Even though it doesn't seem likely...

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Ezra talking to me again.

"What?" I ask ignoring what he may have said before.

"Could we go to bed now, I am tired." He asks me with a yawn and a stretch of the arms.

"Of course." I reply kindly, as per usual..with Ezra.

So we head off to bed. But I lay awake thinking of the situation.



- Andrew's POV -

"I barely made it out of there." I pant nearby Ezra's bed.

"If I didn't run upstairs after Ezra did, then I would have been dead meat. Need to be more careful when I walk around and not knock things over, and leaving the door unlocked..How stupid of me." I slap my face with a disappointed look.

"At least he didn't see me, the bitch too." I say with the same smug look Austin gave me when we first met.

I should get out of here for now. I will cause trouble if I stay too long. So, I go to leave out the window, not before taking a bracelet I saw Ezra wearing earlier today.

Then I take my leave, and this time make sure to lock the window behind me.

ꕥ♱♥ 𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4 ️♥ ️♱ꕥ

ꕥ♱♥ ️ 𝕬 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 ♥ ️♱ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now