.*1*. - plane ride

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The loud buzzing, the bright lights, the curtains had been flung open and the door had been closed,

the closet was empty, the boxes surround my floor, my arm reaches my face, my other reaches the quilt, slowly the soft quilt flies off my body leaving my feet barely being covered, my feet hit the ground, slow flashes of bright light, my eyes blinking, my vision blurry, the plain walls, and open box, many tiny boxes were piled up next to my door, I get up finally seeing clearly with out blinking every second, I toddle around the boxes to my door, my hand slips around the knob slowly turning the knob, my body tumbles out the door way into the hall, everyone were lifting boxes out of the door, I look around before my mother walks past with a few bags and a suit case "hurry darling don't want to be late remember! your staying with your nan for a few months when we hit Utah!" She says walking past, I blink and in a flick of an eye I'm on a plane and on my way to Hurricane Utah...! Our parents went on a private jet, as all they care about is themselves..so they left my brother and I to fly on a normal plane...When we arrived at hurricane my grandmother was already there to pick me and my brother up. We lifted our heavy boxes into the back of my grandmothers van, we both hopped in, I sat in the back only because I'm the youngest, I just sat on my phone nodding and "mhm's" to any of my grandmothers questions. When we arrived at the house I got out the car and grabbed my boxes, I stumbled up the staircase almost nocking down the boxes that I had stacked up on each other in my hands, when I got up to my room I opened the door and sat down my boxes, after unpacking I plopped onto my bed, after awhile of lying there I get rudely interrupted by my brother, "Nana said we can go out till 6pm" (its 1pm) "okay.." I get up slowly and toddle around to my wardrobe, Nan had always been the person to let her grandchildren have freedom so this wasn't new at all...After I got to my wardrobe I grabbed out some tracksuit pants and a large nirvana (or F/B fav band) T-Shirt, I slipped on a dark brown hoodie, I grabbed my phone from my bed side table

why am I going out? I don't even know anyone...What if I get kidnapped?

(432 words)


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