Chapter 1: Do you have to go?

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I don't ever want to let her go...

I held Laura tightly from behind as this girl is my one and only. She's as beautiful as the sun setting over the ocean within the golden hour of this day. I love her.

"Laura, How are you feeling?... Truly feeling about everything?" She looked up at me from within my arms with a grin that slowly faded away. "Aaron... Do you have to go?" She turned back to look at the ocean and those few words cut deep. She hates when I have to leave on work.

"Darling you know I have too" I whispered to her gently squeezing her softly for a hug. My job always gets in the way of us... I'm a fisherman. My dad relies on me as his only child to continue his business in the future but it makes me disappear for months on end. I feel awful always having to say goodbye. My job is dangerous battling weather and dealing with heavy equipment but to know I get to come home to my future wife, and one day afford the home of our dreams with this job. Then that makes it worth it.

It's Laura's birthday the date I'm due home from my next trip so I bought a ring and I'm going to propose to her the night I come home. Laura is my life and my world and I already know that I'm hers and I can't imagine a better time to do this than her birthday. Her family always gives her a hard time. I guess it's my fault for being a fisherman since she does deserve a better man than me... Laura deserves a man who can always be there for her but selfish or not this girl says she loves me and I love her too and I'd fight destiny to be with her.

"Aaron... I'm always afraid when you have to leave but I want to pretend tonight that you're not leaving. Instead of spending tonight in sadness, I wish to spend this night doing our usual and having a romantic night together. This is your last night here for a while we can either spend it sad or make it worth it. I love you and I can't wait for the day were we're both living together" she said this and looked back up at me and smiled. I agree with her. "Let's do our usual," I said with a smile.

We both left the docks of the beach on which we were standing on and headed to the beach itself. The sand was still warm from earlier today and it felt magical. Laura sat down and I sat beside her and we gazed up at the newly born stars seeing if we can already form shapes within them. The beach is our place. The place we come to relax and enjoy life without its problems if we were to be married I'd think this would be a great place. Anywhere though would be perfect with Laura.

"Aaron, I can see a dolphin in the stars... Right over there! Do you see it?" She pointed to a cluster of stars and I believe I do indeed see the dolphin. I smiled at her and looked into her beautiful hazel eyes. She looked into mine and brought her pointing arm and leant into kissing me... This led to a beautiful night together.

The next morning approached fast. We stayed up all night together but now I'm looking at Laura wrapped up in my shirt I can see a tear fall from her face. "The times went fast... I'm not ready for you to go. Aaron, I want to do something this time. I'm going to get us that house I don't care what you say I'm going to pull in extra shifts myself. I want us to have our home when you come back. I love you and we're so close to buying it. I see you watching it every day and that will be our home one day" I guess she woke up determined.

"Darling I don't want you to overwork yourself. I love you and we have all our lives to save... That house or not we'll be together and that's what counts okay?" She then softly slapped me. "No, This will give me something to keep my mind on while you're gone. I love you but today I'm pulling my weight I might even start packing for us."

I couldn't help but giggle. "I won't stop you, darling. As long as you take care of yourself while I'm gone... Now as sad as this is Laura I have to leave and get ready to go..." I let go of Laura slowly and stood up. As she passed me back my shirt I couldn't help but notice the morning breeze. It's very strong this morning but the skies are clear which is a good sign for a good fishing day.

She then stood up and we both left the beach. We have a small apartment about a 15-minute walk away from the beach so coming here on the daily is no trouble.

When we reached the apartment I let us both inside. We have a balcony and share a one-bedroom. The place is nice but small for a couple wanting to start a family one day. At the moment it does the job for us. Laura went onto the balcony as I gathered my bags together and put them against the front door. I can only guess she never wanted to see my bags leaving again. "Laura... Please come here. I know this is difficult but we do know one day this pain will end and I'll never have to go to work for so long again. Please be my strong girl I know you are and give me a hug" She grabbed me tightly I could hardly breathe but I hugged her back just as hard.

Then I started to giggle again with a cheeky favour "speaking of a strong girl please give me a hand with these bags" She giggled and gently hit me again as we were both laughing she helped me get my stuff out. We then headed to the docks once again but this time it was unfortunately say goodbye. I can see Laura taking deep breaths and being strong. I did the same.

We reached the docks and my boat was in with a few fellow fishermen. My best friend Eric was there but he isn't a fisherman he works in the news and was writing an article on us being the fishermen of the sea. He's been working on it for a few weeks.

"Yo! Aaron my man where have you been your leaving soon!" He grabbed me and shook my hand but looked behind me and saw Laura about to break into tears. "Hey Laura, it'll be okay he's a strong lad. They'll have him home in no time okay? I know that he's nothing but the best. A pure professional and as are his men if not I wouldn't be here" he smiled also making Laura smile in the process which I'm relieved about. I take a deep breath and throw my stuff onto the boat and looked back to Laura... "three months Laura then I'm back. I promise okay?" She smiled and nodded her head.

I got on board.

We got the cages and netting fixed into their positions and we were officially ready for take off. I looked back at Laura and yelled "Laura! Listen for these three horns and us cheering then you know I'm back!" She smiled and the whole ship started Cheering and beeping the horn. I laughed and gave her a wave with my biggest smile.

She ran down the docks waving as we left. Eric watched us waving and headed back. Laura, I can only presume she waited until we were out of sight because that's exactly what I did.

Now it was time for us to do our job...

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