Chapter 2: The job of a captain

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The weather's beautiful today. I can only hope it lasts.

I headed over to my cabin and watched as we all kept heading north. My heart is aching knowing that each mile I go today will be one step further away from Laura. I just hope she's doing okay today.

My boat has 6 men. 3 are new ranging from 20 to 22 years old. I'm only 28 myself but I've been trained since I could walk which makes me qualified for the job. I never had much of a past except work it even took over my education resulting in me being a high school dropout... Hence more reasons why Laura's family isn't so keen on me. I can support Laura as well as myself but these are the reasons I force myself to do this. This wasn't my choice of occupation but I guess life doesn't always give you what you want. I guess I'm making my dad happy so who cares right?

"Aaron! Are you good? Look we want to start casting the nets out and get a head start while the weather's calm and the ocean's swaying. Do you think we're far in enough for that?" This man is Andrew I call him Andy for short he's 25 and a man who has a major passion for this. One thing's certain if I have no offspring that wishes to take over this job he will be the man to take my place.

I looked at the monitor and we're 25 miles in I suppose it won't hurt to get started. The depth is approximately 18ft. We might as well start small. "Yes, get the nets ready and cast lines. Ask the boys to get their coats on. The weather's beautiful but in the ocean, anything can change" The winds are still pretty wild. Nothing strange though. Andy left to tell the boys about the coats I headed to see my next man in control.

"Cameron, we're almost ready to start are you ready?" He looked at me and sighed... "Yeah I'm ready, captain." He looks sad. "Hey, kid what's up? We're a family on board you know this Cameron. Please talk to me..." He turned to me with sad eyes... "My mother died before I left... Now don't say anything. Aaron, I'm begging you as a friend. I had to come before you ask... I need the money for the funeral. I'm sorry if I seem out of it today" I put my arm around him and reassured him it'll be okay. I guess we all have things to fight for on board. We enjoy our jobs I guess but sometimes the chains of these nets feel like actual shackles in our lives.

"Cameron I'm so sorry. You didn't have to do this I would have given you the money-" before I could finish he interrupted... "Typical... The job of a Captain is to always be strong for his family well workers. You know I don't like handouts and I think my mother would wish for me to go. My dad was a fisherman and she said he use to see the ocean as freedom a gentle place of Serenity with storms. She said no peaceful place goes without storms and if you want to look at life simply just look at the ocean. Full of ups and downs but yet still beautiful. I'll be okay Aaron I'm where my mum would want me to be right now" with all that burden he still found a way to smile.

Cameron is my third in command he's 26 but he likes to lay low. He enjoys his position and often calls me Captain. I don't mind what my crew calls me as long as we can get along.

"If you ever need a minute Cameron I understand just head under to your room, okay?". He nodded and went to grab his coat. I went back to my cabin and grabbed mine.

Now the wind keeps playing with the waves the boat begins to move a little stronger in motion. Now it's time to fish. Andy came out of the rooms with the 3 lads and brought them on deck. "Andy! You and two of the lads control the right net we'll just use one net for now. I and Cameron will set the rigging for it and the other lad can get on the cages and gut the fish!" I yelled this with the plan set now it's time to get started.

Andy grabbed two of the lads and started to get the net ready to be thrown in. I and Cameron made sure it was tied efficiently. The other lad prepared the cages. Once we were ready Andy shouted to throw the net in. That's exactly what they did. Fortunately for us, we had hit a gold mine of Tuna. I and Cameron helped the boy with gutting the fish once the net was brought back. We then continued this routine 4 times. We switched the boys around and Andy stayed in control of the net but he lost his temper with one of the new lads because he wasn't helping to lift the net. The stress was beginning.

I decided to switch it up a bit so I took the place of one of the boys on nets this was more efficient. After catching tonnes of fish I decided we call it a day. The night had dawned and the sea was getting more violent. Everybody came inside to celebrate a decent day's work.

As time went by we all came to the kitchen to eat some soup for tea. "Good job today lads. I'm sorry I shouted at you. Next time please listen to orders" Andy said this while looking at the boy and he shook his head in agreement. Now we had eaten and left on good terms and had a bit of a laugh. Then eventually we felt a bit tired so we went to bed...

So I thought...

A couple of hours later and it's 1 am... I got awakened by shouting on deck. I grabbed my coat and dashed to see what was going on...

One of the boys was drunk on deck and Andy and Cameron were trying to calm him down. This wasn't the boy Andy shouted at but the one who was on cages. "Andy, what's going on?" He came over to me and pointed to the rooms."The lad smuggled liquor on board. He keeps shouting he never wanted to be here and his father made him do the job..." I sighed I mean does anyone truly want to do this job except Andy? Looking at how that boy is affected I can't help but think that should have been me.

I walked over to him slowly... The boy is shaking the glass liquor bottle everywhere. I need to keep him calm. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER! I'LL- I'LL JUMP!" Oh gosh. I looked back to Andy as a symbol to go up to my cabin and phone for help but also get the life preserver ring. We have a hand signal for this. Andy dashed for it. Cameron couldn't move or else he'll be ending up in the boy's way and he was already threatening his life.

"Kid... Listen... I know it's difficult. My father wanted the same for me. I never asked to be Captain. I know it's hard but this isn't the answer... You're young and you have the whole world to explore yet. Please come closer we'll have a chat inside where it's warm... Me and you only. How's that?" The boy then threw the glass bottle against the wall of the boat.

The weather began to start raining and the ocean decided to show us its evil side. "Please... Kid... Come on we'll sort it out. I'll help you..." Cameron told him to listen to me but the boy was too far gone and drunk... He headed over to the ledge.

The boy started swearing at us... I've only got one choice in this situation and I'm going to probably make the daft one but I look to Cameron and I think he has the same plan. He would run at him one way and I'll do it the other way. My heart's racing since he's just a kid. We need to act fast. We need to save him.

I counted to three on my hands and Cameron watched and on three we went for it. The boy didn't know which way to look as we both lunged at him to urge him away from the edge of the boat... The ocean's evil side didn't like our plan and rocked our boat heavily. Me and Cameron as a result ended up pushing the boy into the water with us included... All three of us were in the ocean.

"AARON!!!... I'm coming lads!!" Andy came running from my cabin with the life preserver. The waves are still picking up. I kept trying to be calm but the boy was smacking around in the ocean... Me and Cameron grabbed his arms and kept taking deep breaths. My whole body is cold and shaking but I need to save these men. Andy kept shouting trying to get the other two lads up but they wouldn't wake up. Andy then threw in the ring. Cameron grabbed it and both of us placed it on the boy. "You two keep hold of the ring I'll try to pull you all in"

Cameron is afraid and so am I but we both know we've got to save him. "It's too heavy Andy!" I shouted. "Don't be an idiot and grab on!" Said, Andy... Me and Cameron grabbed on and with all of Andy's strength, he kept pulling us all closer and closer back to the boat. Then the unexpected happened. I looked behind me and I saw a wave. Cameron looked at me and started panicking. I tried to keep them calm but right now I knew this was the end for me. I took a deep breath again trying not to drink the water and pushed the ring. Cameron watched what I did and realised his fate was the same so we both pushed the boy. Andy lost sight of us but kept pulling at the ring...

Now me and Cameron had released the ring but the boy is safe. I grabbed onto Cameron and we both watched the cracking malicious wave approach us. "Thank you for always giving me this adventure Aaron... Now I get the chance to see both my parents again. You gave me one last ride and turned us into heroes. I'm sorry for panicking. You are a true captain." He hugged me I grinned but started to cry... I can only stumble out a couple of words..."

"Oh... My dear Laura, I'm sorry. I love you my darling..."

The wave had hit us and then I had seen a great bright light...

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