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Dear reader,
Today I tell you a story of love. I know what your thinking just a normal love classic... Well, this story is something different believe me or not. This tale has heartache, the birth of new life and even death. Out of all my time as a person from above never have I ever seen a bond between two be so strong, even life and death never tore them apart.

I watched these two ever since they were kids I watched them from above. No two souls are more meant to be than this. Only sad unfortunate events take play and what can I say except in real life sad things happen if we like it or not and whether we can control those things well I suppose that's above my power even for me to say. This story is so difficult even I had to step in for them...

Their names are Laura and Aaron. A twisted spiritual story... If you read this story just know the emotions are strong and real and can be sensitive if it affects you I advise you to leave. No strong, explicit content is involved but I can assure you these two lovers have a tale to tell.

I'm always watching people's lives it's my job from above even yours right now looking at this. Life is difficult and it has hard choices but the things that happen in your life, bad or good are just a part of your journey and your plan. Please enjoy my story of the two lovers as it's a wild journey and one I've kept in mind for 50 years.

I can never control a person's journey. That person's choice is their own. Wherever it leads them that's out of my hands.

All the best,
The person from above...

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