Chapter 4: A new beginning

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The days getting late... Andy is spending the night on the couch and Eric is sleeping on the floor in the living room. I've got our bed. My bed...

"Guys I'm going to my room. I'm not so hungry. There's food in the fridge Andy make sure you eat something. Eric, I hope you're doing okay. I'm sorry I never asked how you were but we'll speak in the morning, hope that's okay?" They both nodded at me and Eric came over and gave me a quick hug goodnight. Then I left the room and headed to mine. I can't face the bed knowing he slept there and his things are still here but my head is too much of a mess to think too much about it. I collapsed on my bed and passed out to sleep.

"I'm glad she's able to get some rest. Laura had a point how are you doing Eric?" Now there's only me and Eric in the room I hope he gets his chance to speak since he truly has been the strongest one. "My shoulders right here Eric... Please tell me it's better than keeping it in" Eric looked at me and looked down at his hands. I took the towel off my head.

"Andy... He was my best friend. My brother. I can't accept it happened. Things don't hit me until later on, that's why I guess I've been able to keep it together for so long. I know tonight I'll be a mess. I encouraged him. I said he'll be okay... I've made a mess of things... We all had chances to stop him but he would never have listened. The man never listened to me when we were kids. He was always the strongest. Always knew the right thing to say and was the smart one. I swear if he never became a fisherman he could have become a lawyer or a psychiatrist. He was truly a clever lad. Poor Laura has lost her reason for living because those two only breathed for each other. Those two were a match made in heaven. That's why we need to be strong for them. I couldn't even explain to her what had happened this morning... She never believed me and I said Captain because I was a coward too upset internally to even say his name... I miss him Andy I miss my little brother already" Eric started to cry.

I pulled him in for a hug. Despite us all just being friends in reality our hearts know we are family. Right now we're heartbroken. We've lost our Captain.

I need to find a way to look after his crew. I'm the only leader left. Oh Cameron you were always so silent but yet the best. I miss you to lad. There's a big journey ahead and I don't know if I have the strength for this... I suddenly felt really tired and Eric noticed... He grabbed a blanket and we both wrapped up and eventually fell asleep.

3 am...

It's 3 am...

I bet Eric and Andy are asleep. I just woke up... I keep looking at his side of the bed... Aaron, I need you. I need to see your face lying here again. The beach... Please come back. I took a deep breath and sat up in bed and looked towards the balcony. Every night he'd go away on trips I'd stand on the balcony awaiting his arrival. Last night I had no idea would be my last time doing that. I need to go to the balcony. I want to see the view and pretend I'm still breathing the same sea air he is right now.

I got up and stood there only to realise the stars... He said he saw my dolphin. The sky is clear again but the air is cold. I can see the ocean. The ocean to me is now evil. I'm looking at the place that had taken my man. I took another deep breath and looked up... "My hero of the sea" I turned around and headed back to my bed to try and sleep again.

The morning had dawned.

I'm used to sadly waking up alone but knowing this is now permanent my heart is aching. I miss him. My tears aren't present but I feel terrible. Fortunately, I can hear Andy and Eric making food. I hope they ate last night but I guess I can understand if not.

I got out of bed and headed into the living room. They both said morning to me. The mood is still dark. Eric is by the fridge and Andy is making toast. "How are you doing... The both of you?" Andy started by saying "I'm better than yesterday. My head feels a bit better, thanks for asking" He grinned at me and took the toast from the toaster then Eric looked at me "I'm not going to lie Laura. I'm finding this very difficult. I know we all are but I said to Andy last night I feel like I've lost my brother. In Aarons's words, the wounds will heal with time but the scars will remain. The scars are no burdens but a reminder of our adventures good or bad. It's still in our memory and hearts."... I looked at Eric and hugged him and started to cry. He remembers everything word for word.

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